Trip x Iris // FlavescentShipping

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Trip's POV~

"Iris..." I sighed angrily. "Come outside with everyone else. It's a party, come have some fun."

"What do you know about fun?" she interrogated.

"I know that hiding behind a couch isn't it," I stated bluntly.

"It's better than going outside to that demon ice you call 'fun'!" She shrunk further behind the sofa.

"Listen up, Dragon Girl," I demanded. "Everyone's outside in the snow, having fun. You, on the other hand, won't get over the fact ice is just frozen water. Are you scared of water, too?"

"Of course not!" she laughed. "I'm not stupid!"

"Hard to believe," I mumbled.

"Axew ew!" Her dragon pounced at me, ready to attack, but I caught him easily in my arms.

"Axew doesn't like the ice!" she complained. "I can't just leave him in here!"

"He can hide in your hair like he always does," I shrugged.

"No, Trip!" Iris whined. "I just...don't wanna go.

A frown made its way to her face, and she ducked to keep me from seeing it. I knew something was wrong, and I felt like I should comfort her, but I didn't know how.

"Iris," I said, walking over and kneeling beside her. "Why are you really afraid of ice?"

"It's none of your business," she mumbled, tracing her finger along the wooden floor.

"It really is," I smirked, placing a hand over hers.

Iris's hand stopped moving immediately, blood rushing to her cheeks. She slowly looked up to meet my eyes, sighing loudly.

"You know how I always tell everyone my parents live back at the village?" she explained shakily, letting a few tears escape. I nodded, urging her to continue, but I didn't like where this was going. "When I was ten, they went off to the Sinnoh region. I got a letter seven weeks later saying they had died in a blizzard."

Her hand was clamped tightly onto mine and, damn, she had a strong grip. But I gripped tighter, not wanting to ever experience what she went through. Axew patted her leg gently, but she still continued.

"After I got that letter, I ran away. The Elder in my village was the only one who caught me. She didn't stop me, though. She gave me Axew."

Iris smiled over at Axew, who cheered in the slightest. She hiccuped constantly, her tear-stained cheeks glowing red.

"Then I met Ash and Cilan." She smiled a bit, wiping away some tears. "And rivals, and friends, and you. I had the greatest journey of my life. And after Ash went to Kalos, Cilan and I both became gym leaders. It keeps us both really busy during the week, but we try to get together whenever we can over the weekend."

"Sometimes the greatest things come from some terrible ones," I said, brushing her tears away with my thumb. "Like meeting Ash led me to you."

She laughed the most beautiful laugh, blushing slightly. I smirked over at her, Axew climbing onto her head.

"C'mon, Dragon Girl," I persuaded. "All of your friends are out there. Even Ash and Cilan."

"Alright." She took a deep breath. "I can do this."

"I know you can," I motivated, standing up and offering her my hand.

She took it gradually as I lifted her up. Axew clung to her hair for dear life, burrowing himself back inside of it.

We walked outside into the crisp Winter air, snowflakes falling from the sky. Iris shivered, so I put an arm around her. Ya know, for morale support.

"Thanks," she whispered, and I shrugged.

"Iris?" Cilan looked shocked that she was out in this weather. "Why are you-"

"I'm fine!" she cut him off. "It's okay, now."

The next few hours were filled with dancing, music, roasting marshmallows, and singing songs. I mostly just sat by Iris near the campfire, not really wanting to participate in any of the other childish activities.

"Want a marshmallow?" she offered, lifting her stick from the fire.

"I'm fine," I refused.

"Suit yourself," she chirped, popping it into her mouth.

"Is the cold as bad as you thought it would be?" I asked curiously, and she shook her head.

"Not really," she said thoughtfully. "But don't try making me go out in a blizzard."

"No problem," I chuckled.

Iris smiled up at me, almost frowning immediately. She turned her head back to the fire, cheeks tinted pink.

"Thank you," she whispered gently.

"For what?" I raised a brow at her.

"For helping me overcome my fear," she answered. "I really appreciate it, you know."

"Any time, Dragon Girl," I grinned.

She gently kissed me on the cheek, causing me to blush, instead of her. Stuttering a bit, I tried to respond, but she had already walked away. Axew peaked out of her hair, glaring at me furiously.

"Any time," I repeated quietly.

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