Barry x Bianca // HyperShipping

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Bianca's POV~

I squinted at the chart in front of me, trying to make out the letters on it, but everything was just a big blur. I could make out the big 'E' on the top, but everything below it got smaller and smaller, making it harder to read. Barry watched from his seat, glancing between me and the chart.

"Alright, Miss Bianca," Dr. Walton smiled over at me. "Start from the first row of letters, and then read your way down."

"I-I can only see the 'E'," I admitted nervously, trying inefficiently not to stutter.

"Hm," he replied briefly, writing a few things down on his clipboard.

I glanced nervously at Barry, who just gave me a reassuring grin. His smile brought warmth into my body, giving me a bit more confidence in myself and the situation.

"I don't see what's so hard, Bi," Barry huffed, glancing at the chart once again. "You've never failed a test...and this is the only kind I'm good at!"

"Okay then." The doctor pointed to a machine to my left. "This machine will take a picture of your eye. You're just going to place your chin on this bar right here. There is going to be a bright flash, okay? Just try not to blink."

I nodded, following the instructions I was given. Letting out a shaky breath, I placed my chin on a cushioned bar, staring at the screen in front of me.

"There's really no need to be nervous, Miss Bianca," the doctor stated warmly. "People get glasses all the time. It's perfectly normal."

I nodded, staring at the screen in front of me. A bright, green flash threatened my eyes to close, but I forced them to stay open. He bid me good job before examining the pictures on his computer.

"I've concluded you're nearsighted," he nodded. I guess he missed my puzzled look, because he didn't explain further.

"That means...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Your eyeball is too long," he stated flatly. I didn't really understand how that affects my vision. But, he's the doctor. I didn't want to pester him with any more questions.

"We'll just run a few more tests, and then you'll be able to pick out your glasses."

Barry followed us into a room where the doctor put different lenses over my eye, making my vision either clear or blurry. It amazed me every time he put a clear lens on as if the world started to shine.

"Blurry," I told him, as he changed the lens. My face lit up as he changed the lens again, causing Barry to chuckle from his seat.

"Clear," Barry answered for me, Dr. Walton laughing at his comment.

"That's it, then," the man removed the machine from in front of my face as the world went blurry all again. The sudden shift of appearance made my head pound, me not being used to it yet. "Follow me to the main room, an you'll be able to pick out your frame."

Dr. Walton led us into a big room, glasses frames lining the walls. I was a bit reluctant at trying them on, unsure of what everyone would think of me.

I tried on at least a dozen, none of them really suiting my personality. I think I liked the thicker frames better, opting out the brown and black colors as well. A navy blue pair looked decent, at least, but I felt as if there were a better pair.

Someone slipped a pair on me from behind. I jumped slightly on instinct, whipping around to see a grinning Barry dangerously close to my face.

"Beautiful," he grinned at me, quickly frowning. "With glasses, I meant! Not specifically with those glasses, but those make you look better! But, you did look good with all the other glasses, I just mean with those slightly more? Not that you weren't already beautiful! Arceus, I hate myself. I'm sorry! I love you, please don't hurt me!"

"I love you, too," I giggled at him, turning to see my reflection in the mirror.

I smiled when I saw myself, knowing Barry had picked the right pair. I pushed the thick-rimmed red frames up my nose, adjusting them so they would stay put. Peaking at Barry over my shoulder, I saw him raise an eyebrow, silently questioning me.

"This is the pair," I decided. "Thanks a lot, Barry."

"No problem, Bi," he beamed, chuckling slightly. "Now we know you're not actually clumsy, you just couldn't see anything!"

"Whatever," I sighed, pulling out my wallet to pay.

"I'll pay," Barry offered, taking my wallet and putting it back into my bag.

"I've got it," I refused, pulling out my wallet again.

"Really, it's fine."

"Don't worry about it. I can pay, Bi."

"But they're my glasses!"

"I'm practically rich from fining people all the time!"

"Here," I handed the lady the money as Barry sighed in defeat. He slipped the money into my back pocket without my noticing on the way out, though.

"Hey! Watch it!" Barry yelled at a random pedestrian he had run into. "I swear, I'll fine you for that!"

"You can't just go running into everyone," I scolded.

"They run into me- Ash! Cut it out! You already owe my 8 million dollars!" he complained.

My eyes widened at the number. I sighed once again, grabbing Barry's hand in mine while pulling him back to the building.

"Hey, where are we going?" he called.

"To get you an eye appointment," I mumbled.

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