Clemont x Serena // GeekChicShipping

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(A/N: I wrote this whole oneshot before deciding I didn't like it and deleting it fml
Hopefully this one will be better cx)

Clemont's POV~

"C'mon man," Ash encouraged me, nudging my shoulder. "Just ask her."

"There's no way she'll say yes," I mumbled, staring longingly at the beautiful blonde girl whom I just wanted one dance with. She was laughing along with her friends that surrounded her, covering her mouth with her hand as her eyes were shut tightly. Her long red dress matched the bow in her hair, and the shade complimented her skin tone perfectly. She was like an angel in my eyes; light radiated off of her.

"Might wanna close your mouth, pal," Ash said, placing a hand on my shoulder and closing my mouth with her fingers. "She might see you."

"I doubt she would-" I started, my eyes widening as her crystal blue orbs made contact with mine. I couldn't bring myself to look away, and I knew there was an evident blush resting on my cheeks. To my surprise, a smile grew on her face, and she brought up her hand to offer me a small wave. I hesitantly waved back, a nervous smile on my features as she turned away.

"You're pathetic," Ash sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Did you see that?" I whispered, gaping at the girl from across the room. "She waved at me, Ash. Waved at me!"

"This is so sad, Clem," my friend said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards Serena and her group of friends.

"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered out, letting myself be led away from our spot in the corner.

"You're going to ask her to dance," he stated as we neared closer to the group.

"What?! Ash, no!" I objected, but I was pushed toward the circle of friends right after.

"Yo, Serena! Clemons wanted to ask you something." Ash said loudly, patting me on the shoulder and grinning before winking towards the redhead at Serena's side. "Hey, I'm Ash," he said, flipping his hair to the side as she giggled.

"What's up, Clemont?" Serena asked sweetly, and I watched Ash as he led the redhead to the dance floor, giving me a reassuring thumbs-up. I don't fry how he had the confidence to do this so easily.

"W-Well, I-I was wondering," I started, but I stopped as soon as the girls around her were whispering to each other and eyeing me, smirks on their faces. My crush gave me a sympathetic look, shooting one of her friends a glare in the process.

"Hey, don't worry about them," she smiled, and the brunette to her left rolled her eyes. "What was it?"

"No, it's nothing," I gave up, rubbing the back of my head as her face fell. "I'll see you around, yeah?"

I turned around, starting to walk away before I felt a hand on mine. I was tugged back as Serena timidly met my gaze, her mouth opening and closing slightly.

"Do you want to dance?" she asked, and my eyes widened. The shock written on my face must've been very obvious, because she laughed the most gorgeous laugh before linking our fingers together. "Let's go," she chuckled, walking out onto the dance floor with me close behind.

The slow music echoed throughout the room, and we were surrounded my many couples that swayed close to one another. I didn't want Serena to feel how sweaty my hands were due to the overwhelming nervousness I felt, so I placed my hands on her hips gently, and she laid her hands on my shoulders with a soft smile.

"This is nice," she whispered, and I could barely hear her compared to the loud music. I offered her a smile, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I've never danced with a girl before," I admitted, letting out a shaky laugh.

"Neither have I," she confessed, giving a half-smile. "But with a guy, I mean."

"You're serious?" I asked, not believing it for a second.

"I am," she answered, nodding her head. We swayed to the best for another minute of silence before a light weight was pressed to my chest, and Serena's head was lying against me. "I'm glad you were my first."

I tried to take it all in: the fact that my long-time crush was pressed against me with her head on my chest, that I was her very first dance and now maybe something more, and that this was actually happening right here, right now. It was the happiest I've been in awhile now.

"Me too."

(Requests? It helps keep me motivated "^_^)

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