Iris x Cilan // WishfulShipping

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Iris's POV~

I sat in my gym, playing with Axew in my lap. It got lonely around here, and I didn't have many challengers. Ash was too busy to visit. Dawn was back in Sinnoh. Axew and my other Pokemon were the only friends I really had.

Taking care of the gym was hard work. Cleaning up after battles, training to the limit, fighting with all my strength. It had just been two weeks of working so far, and I had only had four challengers. Four of them which I beat.

I looked up from Axew as an all-too-familiar grass type ran towards me.

"Pan, pan!" the pokemon yelped, jumping in my arms. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Pansage! I missed you so much!" I said excitedly. He jumped up and down and climbed on my shoulder. Axew waved and Pansage waved back.

I looked up at the one person I missed the most. He cleared his throat and straightened his tie, offering a nervous smile. He was dressed in his same black and white suit and his light green hair was combed back. Axew hopped out of my lap and squeezed my companion's leg tight.

"C-Cilan?" I stuttered. I couldn't think of what to do, what to say.

I hadn't stopped thinking of him for a second. His cooking, motivation, encouragement, manners, pokemon. And, though I hate to admit it, his Evaluation Time.

"Iris." He smiled and bowed. I laughed before speaking again.

"What are you doing here?" I was shocked. He should be at the gym with his brothers, traveling, evaluating, cooking, something! But why here?

"Well, you see," He looked down at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck, "Pansage insisted on coming to see you."

"And Axew missed you very much," I said and he looked down at the small dragon clutching his leg. He chuckled and cradled Axew in his arms.

"Well I missed Axew, too," he said, looking up at me. "Very much." I sighed, looking down at Pansage in my lap.

"I missed Pansage. I miss traveling with him. He always encouraged me to fulfill my dream."

"And now that it's fulfilled," Cilan started.

"He's not there anymore," I finished.

"Well, I missed Axew pushing me to try new things like enter battle tournaments and swing on vines." I giggled at the last part and he smiled a cheeky grin. I saw what Cilan was doing. Clever, that's for sure, but sneaky.

He walked towards me slowly, and we returned our pokemon at the same time. We wanted to be alone, only if just for a moment. We both had such busy lives now, who knows when we'd see each other again?

He stopped right in front of me and I stared into his pale green eyes. They were soft and shining, but they looked worried.

"We need to talk," he whispered. I took a small step back, and he smirked smugly. "No need to worry, huh?"

"Talk about what?" I hesitated.

"Us," he said teasingly. We both spoke in a hushed voice although there was no one around us to hear.

He grabbed both my wrists and pulled me closer to him. I winced but he didn't seem to notice.

This was not the Cilan I knew. The sweet, loving gentlemen wouldn't grab me by force, not even touch me. Never in a million years. Make that two million.

No, this was the half of Cilan I hadn't seen. Behind his mannerly, gentlemen persona was a hidden bad boy. I knew it was in there somewhere, and it was making its way out.



"W-What are you doing?" He laughed slightly, but I wasn't amused. He saw the expression on my face and grinned.

"Hey, lighten up. No need to worry, he chirped, mimicking Dawn.

I stayed silent, and he took another step closer. I stepped back, only to have him come towards me once more. We backed up all the way to the gym wall and I swore under my breath. Curse these walls!

"Cilan, why are you doing this?" I whispered. He stared at me with soft eyes filled with worry but was quickly covered up by that stupid smirk.

"What? Don't you like me?" he asked and I blushed. "It's not a secret, Iris." he said, leaning closer. "I knew from day one."

I prayed for it to stop. I dreamed of this every night. Holding hands, hugging, kissing. But when it was finally happening, it didn't feel like I imagined it. I felt guilty even though there was nothing to be guilty for. I felt rebellious when I was doing nothing wrong; I loved it.

His hands slid down to mine, and he closed the space between us by pressing his body against mine. My breath was heavy and you could feel the nervous aura radiating off of Cilan, although he tried to hide it. I knew he felt the same way I did.

"Don't you think it's time one of us did this?" he asked, leaning in. I couldn't take it. The teasing was driving me insane. I knew it was his plan, but I fell for it anyway. I quickly pressed my lips fiercely against his and got what I had hungered for two years.

And then, the bad boy in Cilan came out.

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