Dawn x Paul // IkariShipping

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Dawn's POV~

WARNING: make-out session at the end

The sunlight shone through the window, and my eyes snapped open, my smile growing as I reached for my love next to me. Paul was still asleep, of course; he's never much of a morning person. Fortunately for him, I am.

"Paul!" I giggled, rolling over on top of him. He shifted slightly, groaning, and I leaned down to pepper kisses all over his face.

"Dawn," he said groggily, obviously agitated, but he placed a sloppy kiss to my cheek anyway. "Why are you awake so early?"

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake," I sighed loudly, rolling on my back and draping an arm over him.

"You did not just quote Frozen," he groaned, but he wrapped his arms around me.

"Frozen quoted me," I corrected, and he sighed loudly.

"Get up and make breakfast, will you?" he told me, and I nodded. "I'll go wake up Belle."

"Mhm," I agreed, not bothering to change out of my pajamas as I strolled into the kitchen.

Paul walked in shortly after, holding our little girl's hand in his. I slid the last of the eggs onto the large plate, bending down and opening my arms.

My blue-haired, raven-eyed daughter let go of her father's hand before bounding into my arms and hugging me.

"Good morning, angel!" I greeted.

"Good morning," Paul replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"Not you," I scolded, smiling down at the girl in my arms. "How did you sleep?"

"Good!" she answered, giving me a thumbs-up. "I had the weeeirdest dream, Mommy! Me and Rose had our own Pokemon and we were chasing these bad guys, but the bad guys were you and Aunt May! It was crazy! But then at the end we forgave you and Aunt May, and we all lived happily ever after, but then I woke up and Daddy came to get me. Daddy wasn't in my dream, but I told him about it, and he said it was crazy, and then he said we should tell you about it! So I did! And then once I was done telling you about it-"

"That's nice, sweetie," I cut her off, kissing her cheek as she pouted. "Go wait at the table, and I'll bring you breakfast."

The small girl sat at the table as she was told, and we all ate breakfast together. Belle ranted on about how she and May and Drew's daughter, Rose, were going to their secret hideout after school. Rose was born a year before Belle, so she was in fourth grade while Belle was in third.

"You and Rose are really close, huh?" Paul chimed in after being silent for awhile.

"Mhm!" Belle smiled brightly. "I love Rose! She's my best friend!"

"I'm glad," I praised her, and I reached over to wipe her mouth with her napkin.

"Go on," Paul instructed, and Belle stood up, carefully placing her plate in the sink. "You'll miss the bus."

"I won't, I promise!" the small girl chimed, grabbing her backpack and lunchbox, skipping towards the door. "Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!"

"Bye," we chorused, and as soon as the door was closed, I was on my husband's lap.

"You do know what today is, right?" I asked, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. He rested his forehead on mine, kissing my nose softly.

"Happy anniversary, love," he said softly, and I placed a loving kiss to his lips.

"Six years, Paul," I whispered, repetitively placing kisses on his cheek.

"I'm not surprised we made it this far," he said in a monotone voice, gently nuzzling his head into my neck. He leaned up slightly, licking the tender skin before sucking on it. I stifled a moan as he marked my skin, gripping onto his shirt and lightly grinding on him.

"This," Paul whispered, kissing up my neck and across my jawline, "is the thing I enjoy most when Belle isn't home."

I hummed in agreement, tilting his chin up and kissing him passionately. I tried to push my tongue into his mouth, but he wasn't one to be controlled, and he quickly gained the upper hand.

I opened my closed eyes, looking at him uneasily as he pulled away. He flashed me a rare, small smile and reached up to cup my cheek.

"I love you so much," he whispered sincerely, and my heart skipped a beat. Even now, it was rare for Paul to be so loving and affectionate, but I welcomed the new feeling.

"I love you so much more," I added, cutting him off before he could object with a kiss. He held me close to him, standing me up and carrying me with him. He turned me around, pushing me against the wall as I wrapped my legs around him.

"Ya know," he said breathlessly as I placed kisses on his neck and chest continuously. "I've been wanting another kid."

"What are we waiting for then?" I smirked at him, ready to get our special day started.

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