Lucas x Barry // ClingyShipping {Part 2}

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(this is just a little in between update for those who wanted it, I kinda like it. sorry if it wasn't what you were hoping for though ps warning slightly sexual themes)

"Stop being so paranoid, we're alone!" the blonde called over to the boy who was checking behind trees, under bushes, and in Verity's water for anyone that could be watching. "Just us and the Starly, nothing to worry about, okay?"

"I swear if we get caught, I'll be disowned or dead," the darker-haired boy said seriously, hesitantly moving closer to the other. The blonde gripped his hips and placed his lips to his without warning, humming pleasantly as he felt the other melt into his touch.

"You know I'd never let that happen, baby doll," he responded with a smooth smirk on his face as he pulled back. The nickname alone was enough to make his boyfriend's knees go weak and they did just that. He hesitantly reached to his hips to find his lover's hands and entangle them with his before shyly looking up.

"I know," he whispered, walking backwards and guiding him closer to the water. He gently tugged him to sit down on the cold grass and positioned himself on his lap after he complied.

"This is a special place, you know, not only to us," the blonde said in a hushed voice, soothingly rubbing circles on the sides of the other's hips.

"It generally is to everyone, right?" the shorter of the two questioned in a voice just as quiet, nudging his head into the crease between the taller's neck and shoulder. "It's sacred. I don't know of anyone who's come here in the past decade though, so maybe not. But it's supposed to be."

"Well not now, not since the accident all those years ago that caused the guardian to leave," he said in reply, looking down and meeting his boyfriend's puzzled gaze. "Have you ever heard about the Champion that died in a freak accident involving the Distortion World?" he asked, to which the other shook his head slowly. "He and his friend helped save the lake guardians but after the Champion died, his friend came here to commit suicide. Right after he did, Verity's guardian just disappeared and this place became the nothingness that it is now. But he came here for a reason. It was special to them, they spent their childhood here and then came back once they were older to reminisce."

"That's gay," the dark-haired boy commented, and the couple sat in silence for a moment before sharing a fit of giggles. "It is! It's sweet though, like a Romeo and Juliet."

"They were definitely screwing, yeah," he agreed with a half laugh, shifting the boy in his lap before tightening his grip on him. "I bet they came here to escape everyone too. He was the Champion, for Arceus' sake; if he were gay, no one could know. He'd have to keep it hidden so they came here where no one else was to do these kinds of things. TwinLeaf was their hometown too, I bet they did it in this exact spot."

"Ew, stop," the smaller one mumbled, hitting his partner's chest lightly only to receive a chuckle in response. "Who were they?"

"How the hell should I know?" the other asked teasingly, wearing a trademark smirk.

"You know all of this and not their names?" he questioned with only a shrug as an answer. "Well then, give them some."

"I think the Champion's name would be Lucas," the blonde boy whispered once again, turning his boyfriend in his lap so that he faced him. The dark grey-haired one looked down with a blush coating his cheeks only for his chin to be gently lifted up again. "Because that's what you're gonna be one day, baby. Everyone knows it. With your Torterra, kind heart, and handsome and heroic boyfriend standing next to you, nothing can knock you down."

"Well then the boy who took his life has to be Barry, although I hope you'll live for me if such a thing is to happen," Lucas rested his head against the other's, closing his eyes and sighing softly.

"I'm not making any promises," he said in a joking yet honest tone. The other looked taken aback, but Barry placed a kiss to his head and only held him closer. "You know this world's hell without you. I've already been through that when we split, okay? If you died, this is the first place I'm coming."

"Don't say that," his boyfriend pulled back and shook his head, tears forming at the thought alone. Barry noticed them hiding in the corners of his eyes and panicked, wiping them away and immediately peppering kisses all over his lover's face. Lucas laughed loudly, his worries long gone and forgotten, and he met his lips, initiating a kiss.

They stayed like this for awhile, sharing an intimate kiss unlike the lustful passion they were first planning on. The pleasure they felt differed from that of sex; it was one completely made up of their love and adoration of the moment and simply each other. They were alone and free, and the two boys sitting side by side in the sky saw themselves living once again.

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