Gold x Crystal //MangaQuestShipping

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Crystal's POV~

"C'mon, Crys! Let's go do something. Eat, bowl, swim, kiss, whatever you wanna do," Gold offered, setting aside his Spanish homework.


"But it's your birthday!" he complained. "We've gotta do something! Loosen up a little!"

"No, Gold," I scolded. "You need help with Spanish, and Sr. Lopez trusted me to tutor you!"

"Alright, Super Serious Gal," he winked. "Would you rather study or get some of this?" He smirked, sliding his hands down his chest.

"You can keep that, and I'll study, thank you very much," I declined. The hyper teen immediately frowned.

"You're such a party-pooper," Gold groaned, poking my cheek with his pencil eraser. "We can go out. There's this great new restaura-"

"No!" I yelled. "We cannot go out! You are failing just about every one of your classes and you've got to graduate!"

"Fine," he huffed, scribbling down a few notes on his paper.

"Good," I let out a relieved sigh. "Now, what article would come before 'agua'? El or la?"

"Umm," Gold tapped his pencil against the paper. "La, because 'agua' is feminine."

"No, it's masculine," I corrected.

"What?!" Gold threw his hands in the air. "It ends with an 'a'! How can it be masculine?"

"Calm down, idiot!" I commanded. "'Agua' is an acception. If you were listening in class, you would've known that. This is Spanish I, for crying out loud!"

"Please, Crys," Gold took one of my hands in both of his. "Just a teensy break?"

"I'm sorry, Gold, but we have to study," I sighed.

"Please?" he tried again, putting on a puppy-dog face he knew I couldn't resist.


"Fine," I gave in.

"Woohoo!" he cheered, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Where are we going?" I laughed as he dragged me along.

"You'll see," Gold turned back to wink at me, charging toward the hill behind my house.

"Slow down! I can't run as fast as you can!" I giggled slightly as he tugged on me to make me move faster.

"Obviously," he rolled his eyes. "Hurry up!"

"Really, Gold, where are we-"

"Happy birthday!" he chuckled, trotting over to the small picnic by the lake he had set up for me.

"What's this?" I gasped, walking over to him.

"This is your birthday present!" Gold motioned to the picnic blanket before sitting down on it. "A romantic picnic under the stars, next to the lake."

"It's wonderful," I awed, sitting down next to him and staring up at the twinkling sky.

"Oh, it's nothing," he blushed, and I pecked him on the cheek for a reward.

"Shall we eat?" I suggested, opening up the picnic basket.

"We shall," he agreed, taking out a pile of squashed sandwiches and juice boxes.

"And he ruins it," I sighed, face-palming. "You smush the sandwiches and brought juice boxes? What are you, Gold? Three?"

"I thought you would like it," he sulked.

"That's okay," I smiled. "It's the thought that counts, right?"

"Well, if you don't want to eat..." Gold grinned mischievously, scooping me up into his arms.

"G-Gold?" I stuttered. "What are you doing? Put me down!"

"No can do!" he sang. "Let's have some fun!"

I let out a high-pitched scream as he sprang into the lake, soaking us both. He laughed continuously, clutching his stomach for support. I smirked at him, catching him by surprise, by dunking his head under the water.

"What are you doing?" He gasped for air as he swam to the surface. "I could've drowned!"

"Oh, loosen up a bit, Gold!" I mimicked with a wink.

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