Silver x Gold // PreciousMetalShipping

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Silver's POV~

Recess was a forty-five minutes I spent alone, and that was okay with me. I stayed in the sandbox, and everyone else went to the swings or the monkey bars or the slides. Whether it was because the sand was messy or because I was mean, I didn't know. My mind was trying to convince me that it was the latter, but my heart wouldn't let it.

I was okay with the routine, though. I'd cross over the edge of the wood surrounding a square of sand and remove my shoes, socks, and jacket to fold neatly and place to the side. I'd step inside and wiggle my toes to get used to the feeling of grainy sand before dropping to my knees and shaping a mound that would soon be a deformed, misshapen castle. I'd watch my classmates from behind the shield of sand, and then approximately two and a half minutes before Mr. Elm blew the whistle, I would knock down my castle and put on my clothes once again.

Daily routine becomes second nature by the time you're in third grade, and sudden interruptions were not, in any way, welcome. So when a spiky-haired boy with a backwards cap stepped into the sandbox with me, I did not 'respond to negative situations with a positive light' like my mother tells me to.

"U-Um," I muttered, lifting my hands from their work and furrowing my brows at the newcomer. "This is my sandbox."

"Oh," he replied dumbly after a few owlish blinks. "Can I play with you?"

"No," I answered him firmly, but he sat on folded legs next to me anyway.

"You sound like a boy," the boy commented nonchalantly, reaching out to touch the castle in progress. I quickly smacked his hand, watching in satisfaction as he shrank away.

"I am one."

"What? But you have pretty hair, like a girl's," he continued on, taking one of his hands and grasping a clump of my dark red hair in his tanned, calloused fingers.

"So?" I pulled his wrist away from my head, and he hesitantly obliged.

"So I wanted to play with you," he nodded to himself, starting to make his own sand mound, "and feel your hair. It looked soft. It is soft."

"You're weird," I told him, and he wasn't phased by the comment. "What's your name?"

"Gold, like the color," he responded, and my heart skipped a beat at the four letter word. We match. "You?" 

"Silver," I said quietly, and then added as an afterthought, "like the color."

Gold turned to be with a toothy smile and bright eyes. "We match!"

And so the boisterous bundle of joy and ignorance wiggled his way into my selectively permeable shield.

Our sandcastles grew bigger and our friendship grew stronger. The shy steps I took towards him in the classroom turned nonexistent as we became joined at the hip. I did something I swore to myself I'd never do; I became dependent on him. I let my hair be braided, I let my hand be held, and possibly the worst of them all - I let my heart be stolen.

"Silver?" Gold started one day, tracing patterns in the sand with one hand while the other twirled around in my hair.


"I kissed Crystal."

I saw it coming. I was angry at myself for thinking I could ever compare.


Silence followed, and his patterns didn't stop or even hesitate. My metallic eyes watched observantly as he continued to doodle poorly drawn hearts and flowers in the dirt. His other hand dropped from my hair, and I felt a frown tug at my lips at the loss of contact.

"Her hair wasn't as soft as yours."

I let myself smile.

I dealt with it over the years - the complaining and fawning over countless girls that waltzed in and out of Gold's life. The jealously I felt was no match for the immense pain that overwhelmed me with every word of all the things they did, things I couldn't stop from replaying in my mind. The only things that got me through it were the sensual touches against my cheek, the soft cuddles under the covers, the soothing trace of fingers through my hair, and the side of Gold I knew no one but me got to see.

I was greedy, and it was never enough.

I wanted the Gold that they saw too. The boy who surprised them with flowers for no reason other than to make them smile, who held them close as they danced the night away, who kissed their lips with delicate fragility and passionate lust. He would never be mine in that way, but I wanted that more than anything.

"They're tearing the school down," he pointed out on a midday walk, nodding towards the elementary school where my happiest memories were made. I hummed in acknowledgement, sidestepping a bit closer as we walked. "We should hop the fence, go to the playground."

I led the way, taking my hands out of my pockets the grip on the metal fence, swinging my leg over to the other side. I scanned the area to make sure no one was looking, and as I made my way to the sandbox where we once played, Gold followed close behind.

I took off my shoes, socks, and jacket and set them to the side before stepping in. The sand felt strangely unfamiliar as my toes sunk into it, and I allowed myself to smile at the feeling. I turned to see Gold working on a lousy sand castle with a bright grin plastered to his tanned face, and a breath of a laugh escaped my lips.

"When I met you here, for the first time," I said quietly, but bravely, "you changed my world."

"Silv," he breathed, letting loose a raspy laugh with a twinkle shining in his golden eyes, "you've changed mine in more ways than you can imagine."

"Have I?" I teased, a smirk that matched his forming. I sunk down next to him, helping to form his sculpture. "Show me."

I could read Gold's every thought and every move; that's what I got out of our years of friendship. Every smile he faked, every shenanigan he was planning, every lie he spoke. The one time he did surprise me was now, when the blur of lips on lips and impulsive heat and a lustful, loving exchange passed through my mind. My vision was hazy, and I was having trouble deciphering reality from a pleasant dream. The feeling sunk in after endless minutes passing by, and I could consciously respond in the appropriate ways. No matter how well I could read him, he always managed to surprise me.

Gold became the unpredictable in my mapped out life, and for some reason, I was more than okay with it.

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