Ruby x Sapphire // FranticShipping

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(A/N: I don't read the manga I'm sorry but they're probably hella OOC ;-;)

Ruby's POV~

"You have got to be kidding me," I mumbled, gaping at the sight before me.

There stood Sapphire, a small smirk upon her lips, covered in dirt from head to toe. Not to mention she was soaking wet, her shoes muddy and clothes torn, leaves and branches sticking out of her hair- she was a complete mess.

"What?" she asked innocently, rocking back and forth on her heels, her fingers locked behind her back. "Is something wrong?"

"You can't just," I started, cutting myself off with a sigh and pressing my fingers to my temples. I looked up at the brunette in my doorway wearily, shaking my head as she grinned at me. "What motivated to show up at my house looking like that, Sapphire?"

"It's raining," she shrugged, and I pointed to her hair.

"The leaves?" I questioned.

"Got hit by a tree."

"How- nevermind, just c'mere."

Grabbing the other's hand and shutting the door behind her, I pulled my friend to my bathroom, grimacing at the dirty footprints she left behind. I sat her down on a stool, quickly grabbing a washcloth and soaking it whilst grumbling to myself.

"I thought you liked it when I was dirty," Sapphire winked, and I rolled my eyes, a light pink dusting over my cheeks. I took her hand reluctantly, wiping down her arm swiftly.

"Shut up," I mumbled, and she nudged me with her free arm playfully. It bothered me when she "flirted" with me. I knew she didn't mean it; it was like she was giving me false hope.

"I can bathe myself, ya know," she said, reaching out to play with the black hair that poked out from underneath my hat as I started wiping down her legs.

"Obviously you can't," I laughed, poking up to stare into her hypnotizing blue eyes. I reached up and brushed the washcloth over her cheek gently, slowing my movements as her playful smile fell. I could feel myself gravitating towards her, leaning closer ever so slightly, debating taking the risk in my head before my eyes flicked up, and our leaning stopped.

"What's wrong?" the brunette frowned, pulling back timidly. I shook my head, reaching up and pulling a twig out of her hair.

"You have a little..." I trailed off, picking a couple leaves and sticks out of her brown locks. The next thing I knew, Sapphire's laughs filled the room, but they were muffled as she grabbed my cheeks, pulling me to her and crashing our lips together in a kiss.

The mess was completely forgotten as the twigs fell from my hands as I reached up and wrapped my arms around the girl sitting in front of me, holding her close. Our lips molded together perfectly, and her legs wrapped around my waist, a giggle escaping from her lips. Her hands pushed off my hat and tangled themselves in my hair, and she pulled back from me, smiling widely.

"What now?" I breathed out, and Sapphire stood up, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"You might wanna shower," she advised, pointing at my hair her hands had previously occupied. "You have a little..."

I turned to face the mirror, quickly shaking my head to try and rid of the dirty leaves in my hair, the girl behind me laughing. I glared at her in the mirror, and she only gave a simple "oops" in response before trotting out of the room, leaving me alone with my reflection.

"Why do I love you?" I said to myself, half-laughing to myself as I ran a hand through my messed up hair. I was unaware Sapphire had heard me, until she propped open the door, peaking her head in.

"I love you, too," she chimed, shutting the door and leaving me with the thought of her words.

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