Brock x Misty // GymShipping

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A/N: this is gameverse Brock and Misty, not animeverse!

Brock's POV~

It had been awhile since I'd been to Cerulean City. I had told myself that I would finally make the trip over here on my day off, and I wasn't going to back out this time. 

I hadn't seen Misty in months. It was hard to get together, and it was frustrating, but we were both Gym Leaders, and we had important duties to uphold. I don't think either of us realized the sacrifices we would have to make when we took up these jobs, but we had to come to accept them.

Misty and I had always had an unspoken attraction, if you will. There were designated times of the year where the Kanto Gym Leaders would hold meetings to share progress reports and gym statistics. Misty and I would always find ourselves getting coffee after and usually ending up in the same hotel bed by the end of the night. The media would report on it after every occurrence, and we would wake up to missed calls from our managers and cheesy headlines (I recall Rock and Water: A Blossoming Romance??? being one of the many). We were careful not to comment, but part of that was because we weren't really sure what was happening, ourselves.

I knew how I felt, though. I was tired of only seeing her a few times a year and spending the rest missing her. We didn't call each other enough - it was so easy to get lost in the busyness that came with owning a gym - but I wanted to hear her voice every day. It would be really hard to maintain a relationship from different cities, especially being who we were, but I wanted to try.

I stood in front of the doors of Cerulean City Gym, taking a deep breath before I opened them. The gym trainers waved at me, not stopping me and asking for a battle as I made my way though the gym. I could hear them whisper as I walked past.

"There's a challenger in there at the moment," the last gym trainer told me when I arrived at the doors to Misty's battle arena. "You'll have to wait until they're through."

I nodded, putting my hands in my pockets and waiting only a few minutes before a young girl came out of the doors, her shoulders slumped and a frown on her face. I wasted no time before heading though the doors and closing them behind me.

"Welcome, challenger," Misty said with her back turned. She sounded tired. "You'll have to give me a moment to heal my Pokémon before our battle."

"Misty," I said, and she whipped her head around. Her eyes widened, but a smile spread on her face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, not moving from her place on the other side of the room.

"I'm here for a battle," I said, and she placed a hand on her hip, smirking.

"Oh, don't do that to yourself, Brock," she said, and I chuckled. "You're not using your gym Pokémon, are you?"

"My own," I answered. No way would I go up against Misty with my Rock-type Pokémon. That'd be a death wish. I cleared my throat before I continued, "and if I win, I get to take you out on a date when you get off. A proper one."

"Alright," she said, a small smile gracing her lips. She carefully picked up a Poké Ball and pressed the button in the center. It grew in her hands. "What are we waiting for?"

She beat me, bad. It was a six-on-six battle, and two of her Pokémon were left untouched. I came ill-prepared, and it showed. Misty let me heal my Pokémon after hers in the machine in her arena, and what seemed like a permanent blush was on my cheeks. I was embarrassed to have asked her so confidently on a date and then lose so badly in a battle.

"I'm sorry," I said. Maybe I had misinterpreted things. Maybe Misty only thought of me as a hookup whenever meetings came around. It was hard to believe after all the stories and secrets we had shared that no one else knew.

"Oh, stop it, Brock," she said, reaching out to hit my shoulder lightly. I turned to her, and she gave me a knowing smile. "You never asked what I wanted if I won."

"Well, you won. What do you want?" I asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she looped her arms around my neck, pulling me down gently until our lips met. It was a familiar feeling that somehow wasn't forgotten, even after all the time we spent apart. She pulled away after a few short moments, her lips still hovering over mine.

"Dinner," she said, pulling back to look up at me with deep blue eyes. "Take me somewhere nice."

"I can do that," I grinned.

After that, things were different. We traded off going to see each other every week - I would go to Cerulean City one week, and Misty would come to Pewter City the next. We had late night phone calls and sent good morning texts. We exchanged pet names and 'I love you's and everything felt right.

The headlines were more ridiculous than ever, and rumors were spreading about our relationship like wildfire. Tabloids at the Poké Mart had titles like Brock Out with New Woman??! (my younger sister) or Misty Shows Off Baby Bump at the Beach!!! (Misty was not pregnant, they just caught her at a weird angle).

I wouldn't change a thing, though. We had waited long enough. 

I couldn't help but smile as I saw her walk in my gym doors after a long day of work. 

She was finally mine.

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