Bonnie x Max // FourthWheelShipping

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Max's POV~

"May! When are we gonna get there?!" I asked excitedly. We were going to visit Ash in the Kalos region which he recently started traveling. I was super excited. It was going to just be me and May, but she insisted on Drew coming. I didn't really like him at first, but he's a cool guy.

Drew knelt beside me. "See that land over there?" He pointed to a large area and I nodded. "That's Kalos. We're docking at Santalune City. Ash will be waiting for us."

"Woww! I bet there will be all kinds of new pokemon there!"

"Heh you got that right!" He laughed and patted my head. He walked back over to May, leaving me alone with the sea.

We soon arrived in Santalune and headed towards the pokemon center where Ash would be waiting. At first we got lost (thanks, May) but we soon found our way.

We walked in and immediately saw Ash and three others. A boy and two girls.

"Ash!" May called. He turned around and smiled.

"Hey you guys! Drew! I didn't know you were coming," Ash replied and Drew nodded. "Guys, this is May, Drew, and May's little brother, Max."

"I'm Serena." The older girl waved.

"I'm Clemont and this is my little sister-"

"Bonnie! And this is Dedenne!" the other girl squealed. There was a pokemon that looked a little like Pikachu sitting on her head.

"It's n-nice to m-meet you B-B-Bonnie," I stuttered.

"Okay?" she said unsurely, tilting her head.

"S-sorry! Um, I'm Max!" I apologized, blushing.

"It's nice to meet you, Max!"

"The pleasure is all mine." I smiled.

"Hey, Bonnie," Clemont said. "Why don't you go show Max the Roselia fountain outside?"

"Oh, yeah! You wanna go, Max?" she asked.

"Yeah, May, can I go?" I pleaded. She seemed unsure at first, but nodded.

"Just be careful, 'kay?"


"C'mon Max, let's go!" she called, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. Her Dedenne followed quickly behind.

We walked towards the fountain, still holding hands. She looked down at my hand in hers.

"Oh, uh, sorry! I didn't realize..." she apologized, pulling her hand away.

I hesitated before grabbing her hand once more. "It's fine. Really." I blushed. She blushed too. Man this is awkward.

Stupid! Stupid Max! Why would you even do that?!

"So, your Dedenne. I've never seen one before," I said, trying to change the subject.

"Well, she's not really mine. You see, Clemont caught her, but let me have her since I'm not old enough to be a trainer. So, technically, she's Clemont's."

I smiled at the electric rodent sleeping peacefully in Bonnie's bag. "Still cool. In two more years, I'll have my own pokemon. I'm thinking of getting a Treeko from Professor Birch in Hoenn."

"Hoenn. Is that where you live?"

"Yup. Littleroot Town."

"Look! The fountain!" Our hands broke apart, and she ran ahead of me. I sighed and walked towards her.

"Beautiful!" I said and Bonnie clasped her hands together.

"Isn't it?" she agreed. She glanced at my hand and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Mmhmm. When I'm a trainer, I'd like to have one," I said, referring to the Roselia before us.

She reached for my hand, and we stood there, staring at the fountain in awe.

"It's truly a magnificent pokemon, isn't it?" I heard a voice from behind and our hands broke apart. We turned around to see the rest of the crew.

I thought no one saw us holding hands until Drew winked at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh, shut up, Drew." May playfully punched him in the shoulder. "You're only saying that 'cause you have one." He rubbed his shoulder and frowned.

"Well, I don't see a Beautifly statue anywhere, do you?" he replied sarcastically.

"It's a fountain!"

"Same thing!"

"May's right. You're wrong. Problem solved," Ash said and we all laughed.

May would sometimes ask me if I believed in love at first sight. I would usually shrug or not answer, but now I know. I definitely believe.

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