Steven x Cynthia // LoliShotaShipping

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Cynthia's POV~

There came a time every year when the strongest of the strong sat in one room to discuss important details and situations, exchange paperwork and battling strategies, give reports, and simply enjoy one another's company. Every year, there came the annual meeting of the Champions, and I was in it, as the Champion of Sinnoh. But so was Steven, the love of my life. Of course, I couldn't let him know that, though.

Although the strongest trainers of their region in one room seemed like it would be exciting, it really wasn't.

"Red, I really need you to sign this," I sighed, pushing the contract towards him. He remained silent, firmly shaking his head. "Alder, can you help me?" Snores filled the room, and I looked over to find the Unova Champion asleep on the couch. "Oh, for Arceus' sakes. Diantha?"

"Sorry sweetie, I've gotta run," she apologized, heading out the door. "I've got a shoot in an hour, see ya!"

"Steven?" I tried, and he nodded towards me, waking over. I watched as he explained the contract in detail to Red, seeming to actually capture his attention. I watched closely, admiring his skill with words and persuasion. My eyes widened as the Kanto Champion picked up the pen, signing his name. He nodded at me and Steven before getting up, exiting the building.

"How-" I started.

"I have my way with words," he smirked, winking at me. A blush crept on my cheeks, but I offered a slight smirk as well.

"You rock," I said, bouncing on my heels. "No pun intended."

"Don't even lie," he laughed, stepping closer to me. "Pun completely intended."

"You caught me," I giggled, putting my hands up in surrender. "I thought of it last night and was waiting to use it."

"I can relate," Steven said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have rock pick-up lines ready for whenever I see a pretty girl like you."

"You're joking," I gaped, covering my mouth with my hand.

"I know it's cheesy, but you rock my world," he said, and I snorted. "Know that I won't take you for granite."

"Steven, you did not just-"

"We're like tectonic plates," he continued. "When we cross, something's bound to happen."

"Oh lord, please stop."

"You must be an earthquake because I'm falling for you."

"I thought you were better than this!"

"Baby, I'm harder than anything on Moh's scale."

"You did not."

We both nearly fell over in laughter, not even able to contain ourselves. The fact that a mature and isolated person like Steven had something like this up his sleeve was hilarious and unthinkable.

"I can't believe you just said that!" I laughed, leaning against him for support. He stopped laughing after a few seconds, clearing his throat nervously.

"Cynthia, I need to say something," he announced nervously, and I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Are you carbon? Because I'd love to date you."

I looked up at him slowly to see him staring at his feet, slightly flustered. A blush was evident on my cheeks, and I tried to hide it, but failed miserably.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend through a geology pun?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" he answered nervously, and I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"What took you so long?" I exclaimed, hugging him to me as he wrapped his arms securely around my waist. "I've bean waiting for years, Steven!"

"I've been trying to build up the courage for years," the Hoenn Champion replied, holding me closer and tighter. "I'm so glad I actually did it today."

"So am I," I agreed, pulling back.

"So, is that a yes?" he questioned, and I smiled. I placed my hand on his shoulder, standing on my tip toes to place a lingering kiss on his cheek. A blush dusted his cheeks, and I giggled slightly.

"Of course," I answered, hugging him to me again.

"Rock on!" I heard him mumble under his breath, and I laughed. We held each other and didn't let go, having waited for this moment for so long. We knew this would all disappear once we went back to our own regions, so we held onto that moment until we were reunited once again next year.

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