Ash x Gary // PalletShipping

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(This wasn't requested, but I really wanted to write it. The flavescent smut that was requested is next)

Ash's POV~

My eyes stayed locked on the floor beneath me, not daring to look up or let a single tear fall.

It was bound to happen. It always did. No matter how hard I tried and gave it my very best shot, I just couldn't beat a line of the strongest trainers in the region. It didn't matter how many years I'd trained or how much effort I put into it, I just couldn't do it.

I tried to not let it bring me down, I really did. Countless people dream of becoming a Champion like I did, but how many of them actually reached that goal? What made me think I was that special to actually accomplish what no one else could?

And with the overwhelming self-doubt and frustration that surged through my body, the first tear fell with a silent splat to the ground. That's just another thing that I couldn't do no matter how much I tried to prevent it - hold in my tears.

There was nowhere else I wanted to be right now than my boyfriend's arms, and this damn ferry couldn't possibly move any slower. My mom and his grandfather had come to cheer me on, and although they tried to comfort me later on, it was no use. Their empty words meant nothing because they had no idea how it felt to give your everything into standing up, only to be effortlessly knocked down with the flick of a wrist so much higher and mightier than you, but Gary did.

Of course he hadn't become so devoted to claiming this forbidden title like I had, but he knew my pain and he was the only one who truly understood what I'd experienced countless times before and was going through right now. I needed him more than ever, and I was more than just thankful that he'd be waiting there for me.

Once the announcement of our arrival rang throughout the speakers, I didn't give a moment's hesitation before sliding my backpack over my shoulder and standing upright, walking swiftly out the door and into the line of people getting off the ferry. I didn't even look back or wait for my mother, I just yearned to be in my lover's arms as my eyes scanned the crowd for him.

Finally my eyes locked on the flawless figure, his back against a tree and his eyes glued on his phone, one foot propped up against the bark supporting him. I pushed my way past the people in the crowd, heading his way before he started to search for me as well and our gazes met. The brunette offered me a sad smile, one in which I tried to return but my lips refused to match his.

He then nodded slightly towards me and his gaze shifted behind me as a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up to see Professor Oak at my side, and a silent sigh escaped my lips. My eyes returned to Gary's, and he gave an apologetic look before speaking.

"So you lost again, Ashy-boy? What a surprise," he mocked, crossing his arms and forcing a smirk on his lips. I poured at him, and he rolled his eyes smoothly.

"Now, Gary, there's no need for that," the professor chastised, giving my shoulder a reassuring pat.

"Listen to your grandpa, prick," I muttered back, and Gary tried his best to hide the smile etched on his lips. He shook his head slightly at me, his emerald eyes shining.

"Ash Ketchum!" my mother scolded, coming up from behind and hitting the back of my head. I grumbled in response, rubbing the back of my head as a genuine laugh left the brunette's lips.

"It's okay," Gary said, standing up straight as a look of shock passed the professor's face. "I'll take Ash to go see his old Pokémon at the lab, if that's cool with you, Gramps."

"Of course," Professor Oak replied with a hint of disbelief in his tone. His grandson just nodded, and I followed his lead without a verbal goodbye to the two people behind me.

The wordless walk from the dock to the lab seemed much longer than it was. I didn't dare look at Gary, scared that if I did I would just break down in his arms then and there, and we couldn't take that risk even though my body wanted to give in so badly to what my mind was telling it not to do.

I wanted to reach out and grab his hand, I wanted to feel his skin touching mine, and more than anything I wanted to finally kiss his familiar lips. But somehow the fear of being caught, judged, and hated was stronger than the satisfaction I would feel.

A deep sigh escaped from my lips once we reached the lab door, and Gary unlocked it, stepping inside. I followed him, turning to close the door and lock it, staring at the wooden frame in front of me before slowly looking back. There my boyfriend stood with sympathetic features and arms open wide, ready to envelop me.

And that he did, because I immediately fell into his outstretched limbs that soon wrapped tightly around me, throwing my own around his back and finally breaking down and sobbing into his chest. It's like I could hear his heart swelling and breaking as his body went slump in sync with mine, like he was relived to have me in his arms again but saddened it had to be like this, and I felt exactly the same.

"Shhh," he hummed quietly, a hand reaching up to cup the back of head where my hat had been earlier, carding his slender fingers through the raven locks. I shook in his comforting grip, not bothering to stop the waterworks as I clung to the back of his shirt nor caring that he was seeing me this way.

"I don't get it," I croaked out while tears leaked down my cheeks and onto Gary's shirt. I sniffled repeatedly, burying my face impossibly further into his chest.

"You wanna know what I think?" he asked softly, his hand running small circles on my back soothingly. I reluctantly brought up my head, revealing the pitiful look on my face.

"What?" I whispered, nuzzling into his touch gently as he brought up his hands to cup my cheeks.

"I think you don't believe in yourself," he answered, and I let out a quiet scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm serious, Ash. I think you believe in your Pokémon for sure, but not yourself because you think that your failures before determine your outcome this time, but they don't."

Before I could mumble a response, Gary carefully pulled my face closer, his lips gracefully landing on mine for the first time in too long. I melted in the exchange, my knees buckling as I kissed him back with more passion, slowly bringing my arms around his neck.

"I believe in you," he whispered against my lips, brushing over them with his own before giving in for another kiss. I couldn't fight the smile that graced my features as we shared another heated exchange, and I knew I'd found the missing piece I needed to do what I thought I couldn't before, and that was the boy in front of me.

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