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Hey Dragon Riders of the world! I know it's terrible of me to keep adding author notes to this book, but it seems that this is the only way it's seen by my readers so here it is.

Everyone knows I want to get this series published and out into the real world, and I have really high hopes. B
However, I'm afraid I know that I'll probably be rejected a few times before I get a publisher who wants to publish.

To make my chances greater on getting this series published, I'm going to rewrite every single book.


I will actually keep these ones up. I hate admitting this, but I should: I don't want to delete these drafts because they're extremely popular to you guys and you love them so much, and I don't want to lose the reads and votes that I worked so hard to get in the first place. With that being said, these four first book drafts are indeed staying up.

Plus, I wrote this first book in eighth grade and it holds to much of an emotional grip on me to delete it. I'll always have a love for it, honestly, despite how cringe worthy the plot holes can be.

The rewrite of the first book is already started. The plot and the characters will remain the same, though the chapters will be longer, have more detail, and there will be more chapters as well, with scenes that weren't in the original draft. Some chapters will be similar to the first draft, some will be completely different in order to match up with the plot correctly. In rewriting this series, I hope to make it better and more improved.

In fact, I will give you guys a bit of a sneak peek at chapter one:

C h a p t e r 1 :

A First Look

Faye Foreigner


My arm was itching again. This was officially the third time this week it has done that. I'm not quite sure, exactly, what it is that is making my skin crawl like it was. But I didn't like it in the slightest, nor did my stomach, apparently, because it turned uneasily each time I scratched my irritated skin.

"Miss Foreigner, since your arm seems to be very important to you right now, why don't you tell the whole class what it is that makes you so entranced by it," Mrs. McCarthy, my chemistry teacher, snapped, annoyed and agitated. "I really don't have the time for this right now!"

I swallowed, resulting in feeling a scratchy, dry scrape. I stood up, my stool screeching against the tiled floor as I pushed it back and looked her right in her icy eyes. "I think -- can I go to the nurse?" I asked instead.

"Of course," she responded, adding in a sneering tone of voice, "as soon as you can tell me why."

I bit my lower lip and started making my way towards her, but she cleared her throat, "I believe I did tell you to announce it in front of the class, did I not?"

I froze in my place, stiffening up and staring blankly at her old and wrinkled face, which held a triumphant gleam.

I felt eyes on the back of my head, but heard nothing other than the occasional shifting of a body on the stools, or even my own heartbeat.

"Well," I started shakily, turning around with all the courage I could muster up and held my arm up, "it seems I have some sort of problem with my arm."

"It looks swollen," one of my classmates snickered, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Stop embarrassing her, Mrs. McCarthy."

I recognized almost immediately who it was that spoke. My heart did backflips in my chest all the way down to my stomach, finishing it's act off with the famous butterfly dance. I knew who it was that was talking. It was Kenneth, or more like Ken to everyone else. He was the epitome of handsome, as it would be put.

I swallowed, wincing slightly when my arm started prickling uncomfortably from it being itchy again.

Mrs. McCarthy put her hands on her hips and stared at Ken for a long heartbeat. After a moment, she turned back to me and stormed to her desk and wrote me a nurse's pass. "Here."

I took the pass hesitantly before thanking her and quickly making my way outside the classroom and into the hallway.

As I passed through the hallways, I stopped short at a trophy case filled with this year's awards from contests and competitions. I looked at one plaque with a picture of the girl's basketball team. I was in there, right in front, crouched down. By blonde hair, mixed with brown and black, was up in a high ponytail and I had a wide smile on my face.

Instead of going to the nurse first, I walked into the girl's bathroom and set the piece of paper on the sink. I glanced at myself in the mirror as I turned the faucet on for cold water, deciding that warm water may make it sting from how much I've been scratching it.

I pushed my arm under the running water, my tense shoulders relaxing when the cold liquid splashed across my dry, red skin. "That feels amazing," I muttered. My hair fell around my shoulders when I bent my head to look down at my the progress of my arm.


I won't be posting the rewrite until I get the first five chapters done. Every five chapters, I'll post.

I hope you guys will read the new one as you read this one. Thanks for reading!

- Grace xx

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