Chapter 7: Tension

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Here you guys go, another chapter!

Carol Foreigner (Faye's mother) above!

Hope you enjoy!



The moment I saw my Mom walk out of her bedroom, her eyes half-open and half-shut, I couldn't hold back the happiness. I know we talked after my date, but it was no more than a few minutes at the most and then she left again.

I met her halfway, running while she walked, and engulfed her into one of the biggest hugs I could muster. She grunted in surprise, her mind having likely not registered me running one hundred miles an hour in her direction, and stumbled to a halt with my arms around her.

Finally, she responded to the hug and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and closed my eyes, missing being close to her. She was always away these days, and it made it feel like we were drifting apart. Her cheek rested on the top of my head. "Hey, Mom," I murmured, smiling slightly with my eyes still closed.

"Hey, sweetheart," Mom replied softly, rubbing my back and kissing my head. "This is a nice little greeting to wake up too."

I laughed a little bit, opening my eyes and peeking up at her. "Thought you deserved a big hug to help you wake up," I told her.

We pulled away from the hug and I stepped back, still beaming. Whenever Mom and Dad came home from their extremely important and sometimes long lasting business trips it was always refreshing to see them. My parents are really hardworkers when it comes to what they do; they do a lot of stuff, they're not the types of owners and / or bosses who sit around in their offices taking the money. They work for it.

"I appreciate that," Mom said, smiling a bit at me. She ran her hand through her hair, which wasn't that messy. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Mom," I replied honestly, biting my lip. "How are you after the .. the funeral?"

Mom took a deep breath and rubbed her face. "I'm okay, is what I would probably use. I'm not either bad nor good emotionally about this, I suppose I'm still a little taken aback by the sudden death. But I'll be fine," she told me, removing her hands from her face. "How are you?"

A shrug lifted my shoulders, and then they dropped. "I've been okay, just buzzing through school and everything. Nothing new to really talk about, other than that Ken's my boyfriend now."

Her eyebrows shot up and she smiled slightly again. "Oh? Well, he'll have to come over soon so I can give him a proper introduction. And then kindly tell him the consequences of hurting you, should that happen."

My eyes nearly rolled, but I knew better than to do that. Mom was looking out for me, and I loved that she was being playful. I knew, however, that she was serious about talking with Ken. And, of course, I would have to be present so they don't scare him away from me.

I chuckled softly, and opened my mouth for my reply, but there was a sudden loud noise as the door downstairs slammed open. Mom and I jumped slightly in surprise at the bang, and shot our heads towards the railing where if we got closer and looked down, we'd see the entry way and front door.

"Honey, I'm home!" An all to familiar voice sang from below, echoing up to us. Mom and I turned our gazes to each other and grinned, both of us knowing who that voice belong to.

My feet stepped lightly to the railing, and stopped when I was inches away from it. My head tilted downwards and my fingers tugged at the metal, swirling railing. The door was wide open, letting a chilly breeze in that drifted up to me and Mom, and a movement of a human shaped figure was making it's way inside.

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