Chapter 12: A Parting Gift

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Hi beauties!

I hope you guys enjoy!

Paul Bettany as Lucy's father above.



I felt a soft head rub against my cheek, the sound of a growl like purr filling my ears. I opened my eyes, having been interrupted from my sleep and blinked a few times as Tyrone's spotted head came into focus. I then realized, with a pang, that I'd be leaving tomorrow. I sighed and scratched the snow leopard cub behind the ears, which he seemed to be asking for because he leaned against my hand and made louder happy sounds.

"You're a spoiled rotten brat," I grumbled to the cub, but my words didn't get through to him. He rubbed his face under my chin and snuggled as close to me as he could. "Real spoiled."

I needed to get up, so I could get dressed and finish packing since we left tomorrow morning. I gently shifted to my side so Tyrone slid off of my body, earning me a yowl of protest from him. He gave me a burning look that was almost a glare, before getting off the bed and darting off in anger. Drama king.

I turned to my half-full suitcase and was about to go to the closet to continue packing when my stomach made a terrible growl. I stopped and looked down at my stomach, shaking my head at it's demand for food, and change my path to go upstairs.

The house was dead silent, telling me that the family was still asleep. I glanced around and crossed the hallway when I make my way out of the basement to the closest room, one of the sitting rooms. I peek through the curtains covering the window and see that the sun wasn't even peeking yet. What time was it? I stepped back and went back to my trail to the kitchen.

When I arrived, the clock on the stove read 5:34. I groaned inwardly and planted my hands quietly on the marble counter top of the island, huffing in annoyance. I woke up without feeling a tad bit tired, therefor making me think it was later in the morning. But no, it was only freaking five AM.

I stood there debating on what I should do. I could either go back downstairs and try to get more sleep and / or pack, or I could eat breakfast now and go downstairs and pack then take a power nap or something. My fingers began tapping the counter top in a rhythmic movement as I thought over my options.

Screw it, I'll just eat breakfast and go downstairs and finish packing then go from there or something. I found some s'mores poptarts in the pantry and put them in the toaster for a minute or two and then sat down with a glass of milk and ate my breakfast in silence. I'll admit, I'm terrified of what could happen when and if I find my dragon, worrying something might go horribly wrong.. but then again, something amazing could also happen.

Wait. Just the fact that I'll be a dragon rider with an actual dragon is an amazing thing all on it's own. I felt a bubble of excitement rise up in my stomach, making me feel full even though I've only finished one poptart. I forced myself to finish half of the second poptart, and decided to just stop there so my stomach wouldn't burst. I threw the remains in the trash and put my dishes in the dishwasher before looking back at the clock again. Only fifteen minutes or so passed.

I pushed myself off the counter and go back downstairs and turn the whole basement lights on so I don't get drowsy when I'm finishing up my packing, and I also turn my music on just in case I need extra juice to help me through. I was already starting to feel a little sleepy again now that my belly is full and since it's quiet and still early.

I turn my music up to a volume that was loud enough for me to enjoy and stay awake to, but I doubt my parents and sister would hear it. There's a whole floor between the basement and the floor their rooms are on. I managed to fit quite a bit of clothing into the space available, but left room to put my toiletries in which I would do tomorrow before we left. I grabbed a backpack and a notebook, writing down what I'd put in my backpack for the way to the airport and on the plane for me to do.

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