Character Descriptions

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Hello! Not an update exactly but it's time I have given my characters descriptions, right?

Faye Foreigner - A somewhat average height seventeen year old girl whom is well-muscled due to sports. Long, beautiful blonde hair streaked with a bit of natural brown and purple tips. Unusual silver eyes, lined with frosty white. Pale and freckled.

Personality - Faye is loyal, kind, and stubborn. She often tries to see things the positive way, and when they come out negative it's hard for her. She also despises being kept out of important matters.

Lucy Perksons- Tall, sixteen, with jet black hair and dark green eyes. Has different colored highlights each day. Slender figure and has a french accent (only if she decides to use it..)

Personality - Protective, quiet, and down right sarcastic. Faye, Manny, and Ken are the only ones to see past her hard outer cover and see the soft mushyness deep down.

MalornJuse(Manny) - Curly forehead length hair, which is chocolate brown. Deep brown eyes and his face is flecked with freckles. Seventeen years old.

Personality - Honest, funny, and smart. Manny never sugar coats the truth, even if the truth is bad. He, besides Faye, is one of the smartest people in the school.

Kenneth Cillios - Tall, and well muscled because of lacrosse and football. Has blonde hair (I think...) and bright blue eyes.

Personality - Gentle, thoughtful, and outgoing. Ken doesn't like being in fights, and avoids them if at all possible.

Jordan Foreigner - Around Faye's height, with light brown hair and blue eyes. Sophomore in college, and has freckles.

Personality - Overprotective of her younger sister, quiet, and playful. Jordan has always been close to Faye, and she longs to have kids one day.

Jennifer Saturns - Red hair and green eyes. Faye and Jordan's cousin, and the art teacher at Faye's high school.

Personality - Loyal, creative, and fun. Jennifer loves to spend time with her family, and loves teaching her students.

Kevin Foreigner - Tall, with short black hair and green eyes. Lean and strong, with freckles and a slight tan. 26 years old.

Personality - We don't know much about Kevin, except that he's Faye's and Jordan's brother. He's stubborn and doesn't always agree with his parents decisions. Very loving towards his family.

Ronda Foreigner - Kevin's wife. Long brown hair with a reddish tint to it and brown eyes. Short, with long legs and a lean build.

Personality - Like Kevin, we don't know much about her. She's friendly and pretty outgoing.

Zoey Foreigner - Four years old, with brown hair and green eyes.

Personality - A sweet and playful little girl.

Carol Foreigner - Faye's, Jordan's, and Kevin's mother. Long, chocolate brown hair with dark green eyes. A tall woman, and thin.

Personality - Making sure her Hover and her family are safe has always been important to her. Even though she works a lot, she cares for her family.

Tom Foreigner - Faye's, Jordan's, and Kevin's father. Short black hair and grey eyes and broad shoulders.

Personality - Tom is a workaholic, but he still makes time for his family. As the leader of the Hover, he tends to be very busy. But his family comes.first.

So that is about it, for now. I will probably add another one of these describing the characters later in the story.

The next chapter will be up this weekend most likely. :)

-Grace xx

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