Chapter 16: Dragon's Cove

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So, lovelies, enjoy!


I woke up only to find myself not in the hotel bed I was now used to waking up in every morning. I just lay there, under the warm comforter as I get a grip on my surroundings and glance around. Soft sunlight spilled through the window's curtains, making slash marks on the carpeted floor and on the bed.

If I remember correctly, I was in Dragon's Cove. Yes, that's right because I remember Jordan bringing me up to this bedroom and telling me to get some sleep. And then the two dragons, Ariston and Althaia, flashed to my mind and suddenly I was filled with excitement.

I sat up in bed, my giddy feeling waking me up almost completely. I got to my feet and stretched, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of getting good sleep last night. I pop my neck, wincing slightly, since my neck had been sore. I make my way to my suitcase and grab some stuff and head to the bathroom. I shower, clean up, and dress in jeans and a hoodie. I dried my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail.

I wander outside the bedroom, instantly hit with the smell of pancake's cooking. My stomach growled when the wave of the smell curled up in my nose, so I hurry down the stairs to fill my hungry need.

"Hey there, kid!" Dad greeted, turning his head to me with a grin and waving a spatula covered in some pancake batter as he stood over the stove.

"Hi," I replied, walking over. The smell got stronger, causing my hunger to increase and my stomach to make itself known to the whole kitchen. I glanced behind me to see if anyone had heard, but Jordan was sitting there looking really constipated while Mom was drinking her coffee and reading the .. newspaper? I wanted to ask, but suddenly a plate is thrusted into my hands.

"Whoa." The plate tumbled in my hands but I managed to steady it before it tilted and dropped the delicious golden contents atop of it.

"Sorry," Dad apologized cheerfully, whistling and turning back to the stove.

Releasing a breath I trudge over to the table and take my place next to Jordan, grabbing the syrup and pouring it on the pancakes. Setting the bottle down after, I looked at Jordan.

"Hey." I nudge her arm, trying to get her attention. She looked like she was really concentrated on something. "What's up?"

Jordan jumped a bit when I nudged her, her hand flying to her chest and her face turning to me. "Shit, Faye, don't do that to me."

"Sorry." I shrugged, not sorry in the least. I cut one part of my pancakes and bring them to my mouth, closing my eyes at how good it tasted. Then I swallowed and asked, "Why did you look like you were in some kind of trance."

"I was talking to Herodes," she told me, picking her fork up and taking a bite of her own breakfast.

"Your dragon, right?" I asked, getting to my feet and going to the fridge to see if there's orange juice. Aha! There is! I get the jug out and look for a glass, find one, and pour the orange juice into the glass. I walked back over and sat down, waiting for Jordan to answer.

She held her finger up and grabbed a napkin as she chewed, swallowing and then wiping her mouth. "Yes."

"That's cool," I murmured, mainly because I didn't have anything else to say. I glanced at my sister, and something curled up in my stomach. Nervousness. A thought flashed through my mind, a thought of.. what if my dragon and I don't have a close bond? Is that possible, if so how common is it?

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