Chapter 24: Loyalty Chosen

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Hi again! I'm really happy about this chapter, now that it's edited.

You get a new view in this chapter! 





I paced back and forth, often nibbling on my fingernails as I did so. Faye Foreigner was not happy with us, in fact I had a feeling she hated us right now. I wouldn't be surprised if she did, she did just find out her best friend and boyfriend were dragon killers.

Ken was sprawled across the couch in his parent's basement, his fingers tracing the silver, sharp, edge of his Dragon Blade, a dagger like object used for dragon riders when attacking them. The blade was dipped in Wolfsbane, which was pretty much harmless to us but deadly to a rider. It weakens them, their magic, and makes them unable to communicate with their dragon.

"What do we do, Ken?" I repeated for the sixth time, my fingers twitching in frustration as I watched him just sit there with that blank expression. "We can't just sit on our asses like this."

Ken's fingers paused their tracing, stopped on the tip of the blade as he moved his blue eyes up to my own. For a moment we just stood there, staring at each other silently before he removed his finger from the Dragon Blade and set it down in front of him on the coffee table.

"What do you want me to do, Lucy?" Ken asked, leaning back against the couch again and folding his arms over his chest as he watched me. "We aren't exactly allowed in Dragon's Cove, and I'm sure Faye has no desire to hear us out right now."

Ken was right, though his words kind of sent a knock of reality through me like a slap in the face. Suddenly lightheaded, I moved to the nearest seat behind me and sat down. I tangled my fingers in my hair and lowered my head, a sudden sickness making my stomach flip uneasily. "Shit."

"You alright?"

"The realization of the truth hurts like a bitch."

"It'll pass."

Not soon enough, I thought, as I continued to sit there in the silence. Soon, the sick feeling wore off and left me with a weak stomach and a dizzy feeling. I slowly untangled my fingers from my hair and looked up at Ken. "Ken?" I whispered.

My cousin snapped his gaze to me. "Yeah?"

"Do .. do you think she's found her dragon?" I asked quietly, folding my hands together to prevent them from shaking.

Ken pushed his back off of the couch and leaned forward, arms resting on his knees as a frown formed on his lips. "I think so, Lucy," he admitted, rubbing his hands together and sighing. "That's the whole reason she left."

"This is a mistake," I muttered bitterly, clutching my hands tighter together. "She shouldn't be involved in our world.."

"She was born into it, she had no choice," Ken reminded me. "Besides, it wasn't our secret to have told. Her family is ten times different than ours, and we're supposed to hate her. We knew this day was coming-"

"Ken." I lift my eyes to his, my jaw clenching in anger at his words. "Look at me in the goddamn eye and tell me that you don't care about Faye. Tell me that your relationship with her was a one sided play, and that you truly see her as our enemy."

Ken opened his mouth and gaped a while like a fish, avoiding my eyes. Finally he closed his mouth, his head tilting down at his feet.

"I thought so," I growled, standing back up. "Why do I feel so guilty?"

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