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The epilogue is shorter than the usual chapters, just letting you guys know.

Such Horrible Things by Creature Feature above. It fits Livius pretty well. ;)





My head jerked to the side the second the sharp sting from a hand was sent across the side of my cheek. I hissed in pain and slowly moved my head back to glare at Livius, who was standing over me with a deadly expression. "Where is she?" he spat. 

I pursed my lips and swallowed the dryness in my throat, tugging at the chains that were digging mercilessly in my wrists. "Why are you asking me if you know?"

His eyes flashed dangerously. "I cannot trust your word that she's in Dragon's Cove, can I?" He raised his hand, but I didn't flinch. My eyes calmly regarded Livius, who was very much angry. "Now. Where is she?"

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you," I growled stubbornly, narrowing my eyes. My whole body was lit with pain and soreness from being beaten multiple times over the past few days. I didn't care, though, because I refused to say anything. "So there's no point in keeping me alive. Kill me."

Livius rubbed his chin, his eyes flashing in consideration. "I want to, sweetheart, believe me. It's very hard not to slit your throat right here, right now."

"What's stopping you, then?" I wondered, raising an eyebrow in question. "Surely you know how to use that knife attached to your belt." I nod to the knife.

Livius glanced down at the knife, his hand hovering over it. But he clenched his jaw and roughly situated his hand to his side. "I can't, sadly enough for myself. I need you alive."

I was sure I was walking into the lion's den by continuing my idiotic taunting, but at this point I was just trying to stall. "Or.. you don't know how to use a knife, possibly?" I couldn't help the smirk that pulled my lips.

Livius snarled, slapping me again sharply. I grunted but looked back up at him with defiance. "I know how to use it, but if I kill you then I will be nowhere near finding your sister."

"You won't find her either way," I retorted with a cough. "You're just wasting your precious little time hitting me, because you won't get shit out of me."

Livius gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, beginning to pace in front of me like an aggravated dog unable to get to the cat so high up in the tree. I was the cat, sneering down at him with my hissing taunts.

He continued this pacing for sometime, in which I took the advantage of and lifted my wrists to gaze at the silver chains around my wrists. There were bruises that I could get a peak off through the small space between my skin and the tight grasp of the chain. They were black and purple, but they only throbbed a little when I moved my wrist.

"Alright, bitch." Suddenly Livius had my chin clamped between his hands and forcefully jerked my head to him, making me face him. He smirked and said, "If you will not talk willingly, I'll torture you. Deeply. Painfully. Slowly."

I bravely whipped my chin from his hands, the spot his fingers had been pressing down on throbbing roughly. I then proceeded to spit in his face, my glare burning into his face. "Do what you please, and while doing that go screw yourself."

Livius blinked and slowly wiped the spit from his right eye, shaking his head as a wicked smirk pulled his face. He stood up and loomed over me with a gleam that meant trouble in his eyes. "Jordan," he said, his voice laced with something I couldn't make out,  "have you ever tried a spell before?"

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