Chapter 8: Crazy Christmas

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Tom Foreigner (Faye's father) above!




Sleeping in peace is one thing everyone enjoys, yeah? Well, so do I, but my sister didn't consider that because I was suddenly jerked from my deep sleep by Jordan screaming, "Wake up!"

I groaned, slamming one of my pillows over my head tightly and burying deeper into my sheets in hopes she'd get the message and leave. But she didn't leave, in fact she started jumping up and down on my bed. "Wake up, wake up! C'mon, it's Christmas morning which means presents!" she sang.

It's been a few weeks since the weird fight Jordan and Dad had, but they sort of made up I suppose. I got out of school after doing my long, dreadful finals and pretty much just chilled the days before Christmas. I met Ken's parents, and they were pretty nice and I liked them. Ken has met my parents before when he was a little kid, but had met them again a couple weeks ago.

Manny, Lucy, Terrance, Ken, and I spent our days watching Christmas movies, going to the mall, having text wars, and such. We didn't really do anything big or expensive, mostly because we just enjoyed talking and hanging out without going anywhere special.

"Oh yay!" I called, which made my voice muffled into my pillows, "Presents, fun! Now go away."

"No." She flopped onto the bed. I heard the rustle of my blankets and sheets, then could feel the heat radiating from her skin as she laid next to me and poked me. "It's time to get up now."

No way I was getting up. If Jordan had to wake me up, it meant it was extremely early in the morning. I usually woke around seven or eight on days that I was able to sleep in and wake up when I wanted too. Not be awoken by the blaring sound of the alarm clock or my sister jumping all over me and poking my face.

I hissed and peeked one of my eyes open when she struck my cheek with her finger for the third time and glared at her. Seeing my eyes open, she beamed and shifted away from me slightly to get up, but didn't move from the bed. I could tell she was still sitting on it, since the bed seemed slightly dipped from the end of it. As she moved, she unblocked the view of the clock sitting on the side table behind her. My eyes snapped to the numbers, which read 6:13 A.M.

My left eye twitched and I took a deep breath, trying hard not to lunge out of this bed and strangle my sister where she sat on the edge of my bed for getting me up so early. I gripped the pillow that had once been covering my head and threw it as hard as I could at her without looking and then huffed into the one I was laying my head on.

I heard a loud thump of something large hitting the floor, and smirked slightly to myself. I peeked my eye open again and saw the spot Jordan had been sitting to be empty and could see one of her arms sprawled on the floor, the rest of her hidden from my eye however.

"Ow!" I heard her whine, the pillow hitting my blanket covered legs seconds later. "Bitch. What was that for?"

I grunted and lifted my hand, giving her a very unladylike gesture before dropping it lazily on the bed again. "For waking me up at six in the morning," I responded dryly. "Do that again and I'll kick your ass kingdom come."

Jordan's sarcastic scoff filled my ears. "Oh, please. You're all bark and no bite."

"We'll test that theory when I wake up, I promise you. But for now, get the hell outta my room and let me sleep."

Jordan grunted and soon I heard her shuffle away, uttering under her breath, "Can't believe she won't wake up, all I want to do is open my presents. But nooo, I have to wait for everyone to be awake."

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