Note 1

4.6K 168 23

Good morning, loves. I hope you're having a good week. And I hope you are all well.

There are a couple things I would like to talk to you guys about, so I hope you continue to read this. I would be very grateful.

First off..Over 9K reads on this? Guys..I can't even express my amazement at the number of reads and votes this story has. When I started it, I was currently working on WSAAP (Which was the first story I was able to continue and finish, but is absolutely terrible) and decided one book wasn't really enough!

So I started THOADR and just wrote.

And then, early this this year I was just getting so many reads.

First it started at somewhere around 200ish.

Then, an hour later, it jumped to somewhere around 400ish and kept increasing.

I had kept thinking to myself, 'WattPad must be glitching or something.'

And the reads continued, and still continue to go up. Now I'm getting tons of votes. It makes me so happy, so thank you :')

Second is the third book that will be coming out after TSOADR.

I have decided it will be called 'The Trust Of a Dragon Rider'

The fourth book has yet to be decided. Please send me something to fill in the blank if you have any ideas. :) 'The _________ of a Dragon Rider'

Love you . :)

-Grace xx

The Heart of A Dragon RiderWhere stories live. Discover now