Chapter 33: Goodbye .. For Now

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I can't believe how far this story has gotten, and how I've managed to keep it going. I couldn't have done it without a lot of people there with me, so thanks everyone!

Also thanks for all the votes, reads, and comments. Every single one of them means the world to me, and I just love knowing people are taking a liking to my story. :)

With that said, enjoy!



Silence greeted me when I made myself known to everyone in the room. My eyes flickered from person to person, whom all seemed slightly surprised to see me standing there all of a sudden. The silence was tense, making me stiff and tense as well.

My jaw clenched slightly as I held myself back from being the first to speak, because me being as stubborn as I was.. I probably wasn't going to be the first one to speak. I waited for someone to speak, and we all sort of just looked at each other. Apparently they were thinking the same thing I was, because nobody spoke.

I caved in, surprisingly. I was just tired of being so angry and pissed, I wanted to stop. But I couldn't stop feeling those emotions quite yet, especially when I saw Lucy and Jackson shooting each other nervous and sometimes guilty glances and looks.

"So," I drawled, filling the awkward and tense atmosphere, "who would like to explain why I'm all of a sudden back here when I should be out there?"

"Good evening to you, too," Mom said, eyeing me carefully, being the first to bravely speak up.

I pursed my lips, wondering if she was trying to test to see whether I would give her a sharp reply. "It's not really a good evening, actually," I responded coolly. "I'm feeling a bit inflamed."

Mom grimaced slightly and tapped her two index fingers together, shaking her head and looking down at the table she was sitting at. "How do you feel?" she asked me, ignoring my statement.

"Where should I start?" I got out sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Dad shot me a stern warning look, the look that told me not to push my attitude right now.

Okay, so I was being a major bitch at the moment. I bet you agree with me, don't you? Don't answer that. But, honestly, can you blame me for being a bitch? Don't answer that either. I'm sure I would apologize and feel like an asshole later, but now I was so tired of being kept in the dark or having no say in things, or someone doing something for me and / or take me away from my sister's search.

I was angry the most about that, as silly as it seems. Sure, I felt hurt and betrayed I was drugged by my best friend and soon-to-be husband. It kind of felt like I was being slapped in the face when I thought about it more, but that will be addressed. Right now I wanted to know exactly why my quest for Jordan had been stopped.

"How about physically?"

"Physically, I'm.." I sighed and picked a string hanging from my shirt and then tucked my bottom lip between my teeth. "..better, I guess."

"Fever gone? Sore throat? Stomach?" she questioned, still being careful as she spoke to me. I was angry, yeah, but something deep down was relieved that my mother was still concerned about how I felt.

Of course she does! I thought, scolding to myself. She's your mother!

I attempted a smile, but it was a lip twitch that barely even occurred. "Yeah, it's all gone."

"That's good. How about mentally?" she then tried, her eyes glancing at my silent but watching father.

"Exhausted," I said dryly, folding my arms across my chest and rolling the side of my left foot on the kitchen floor with a heavy release of breath. "Angry. Confused."

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