Chapter 25: Faye's Lost It

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Hi! Nothing much to say, except: Enjoy!




"So.." I drawled out casually, leaning my elbows on the table expectantly. "About this Kevin thing .. Want to tell me more?"

Mom gave me a look, as if debating whether to humor me and give in or not. Finally she breathed out in defeat and said, "It's a long, long story that will probably confuse you to the point of no end and may not make a hell of a lot of sense."

"That basically sums up the Foreigner family," I retorted dryly, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Good point."

I rubbed my elbows against the table, looking at her and waiting for her to start. Jordan and Dad simply glanced around, leaving Mom to do this on her own. She sent them a scowl, earning nothing from the two in return. Then she turned back to me and folded her hands together.

"Well, I'll start of by saying this .. It may be modern day now, but we still go by most of the traditions we have," she started thoughtfully, biting her cheek. Why did she look so nervous all of a sudden?

I blinked my gray-blue eyes at her and then said, "Okay I'll bite. What kind of traditions are we talking about here?"

Mom played with the handle of her empty coffee mug and hummed for a moment. "Well, unless said otherwise, the oldest child of the current Hover leaders will become the next Hover leader."

"So that's Kevin, right?" I replied, blinking my eyes. "I mean, he's the oldest.."

"No, not exactly.." Mom muttered, glancing uneasily at Jordan and Dad. They still wouldn't look at either of us, making me feel a bit suspicious. Why did they suddenly look uneasy? Why was Mom acting all nervous?

"What do you mean not exactly?" I questioned.

Mom ran a hand through her dark, thick hair and stayed silent for a long moment. I was about to question her again, when she answered, "Kevin rejected the tradition of being the next leader. He doesn't want that life in the least."

"Why not?"

"Kevin's never been a person who likes to be in control of big things," Mom explained to me, still glancing at the other two people to see if they'd jump in to help her. "He's always liked to keep things low and have a peaceful, quiet life."

It seems Dad decided to give my mother mercy and stepped in before she could continue, his eyes turning to me, "With that being said, the company I run currently-"

"Wait. The company isn't the same as the Hover? It's not a cover-up?"

"No." He shook his head. "How else do we get money? We don't exactly have automatic funds because we're supernatural creatures. No, we've got the company as a job. I won't go into what we do because it's long and boring."

"Thank God." I wrinkled my nose, my head aching just thinking about business shit. "You just saved me from getting a migraine."

Dad smiled a little. "Anyways, Jordan's planned to take over the company as the head, the manager, whatever makes it easier for you, when your mother and I retire."

"Does that mean she'll be the Hover's leader?"

"Technically, yes," he admitted. "But Jordan felt like that would be to hard and stressful for her, so we made an agreement.." He trailed off and cleared his throat, gesturing back to my mother.

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