Chapter 15: Althaia and Ariston

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I promised chapter 15, so here you all go! :D

Enjoy, lovelies! :3

Theo James as Jackson Hades above.



"No, no, no!" I hissed out, fear creeping inside of me as I rubbed my hands together shakily and ran my hands through my hair anxiously.

"Faye, calm down," Quince said, watching me go back and forth with a concerned expression, "It's okay."

"You grew up around dragons all of your life," I snapped at her, stopping in mid-pace and giving her a glare. "You've probably seen them loads of times, haven't you!"

Quince looks at me, shaking her head at me. "I've only seen a dragon a few times in my life. My parent's," she added, crossing her arms over her knees as she leaned forward.

"Well, I have never seen one in my entire life and now we're going to visit today!" I exclaimed, tugging at my blonde hair, which was currently in a messy ponytail. I released an agitated huff and grip the chair that was pushed into the small table, my knuckles starting to turn white.

In case you all were wondering why I was having a mini melt down, it's because my parents decided that we were going to find our dragons today. Of course I was having a melt down, because they just decided to move things along quicker. I told myself I'd be ready to get my dragon when the time came..oh boy was I wrong, deeply so. I was not ready. Not even close to it. I glanced at Quince out of the corner of my eye and saw were staring at me, her green eyes lit with concern again.

"Faye, the dragons aren't going to rip you to shreds or anything," she tells me, frowning and sitting up straight with a sigh. "Dragon legends on how they're bloodthirsty man eating creatures is wrong for the most part."

"For the most part?" I screeched, flinging my hands in the air and giving her a crazed look. Was this her way of trying to calm me down? If it was, she was failing miserably. "What if I get one of those dragons that has a tendency to kill it's Rider?"

Quince sighs again, then held her hands up in a pacifying way and blinking. "Listen up."

I stop my pacing and look at her, crossing my shaking arms. Quince never sounds demanding..I should probably listen. "Okay.."

"Dragons haven't had a case of killing their rider in over one hundred years," she stated, standing up and walking over to me. Her eyes searched my scared and anxious face. "It's not likely to happen, yeah? I'm sure whichever dragon chooses you, won't eat you."

Right, the dragon chooses me. I completely forgot about that, and now I was more scared then before. What if a dragon does not choose me at all? Will I be an outcast in my own family? Will I be a shameful accident that happened and be disowned?

A soft knock at the door sounds, then it opens and reveals my Mom peeking her head in. "Hey," she greeted softly, smiling.

"Hi," I said distantly, biting at my nails and looking out the window. I was trying to calm my racing thoughts as well as my train-like heart.

"Nervous?" she asked quietly, and I heard my bed be sat down on. I could feel her gaze on my back and so I turned around, my arms still shaking and crossed.

"Nervous?" Quince chuckled, trying to lighten the mood up a little. "She's acting like we're going to drive her off the end of a bridge."

"Shut up." I cast her a glare-scowl and narrow my eyes at her, pursing my lips in irritation. She has absolutely no idea how scared I am. She knows what a dragon is like, I do not. I've never seen a real one in my entire life.

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