Chapter 1: Burns to Marks?

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Hello. Welcome to the first installment of the Tales of A Dragon Rider. I hope you enjoy this series as much as I did in writing it.

Faye Foreigner in the picture above.


-ANOTHER QUICK NOTE: Please ignore the cliche-ness of these first few first chapters. It gets better I promise. :)-


"Dammit!" I hissed, dropping the empty test vial on the table as pain pierced through my arms. I picked up the spoon and put it back in the test tube where we were experimenting.

"Faye, whats wrong?" My chemistry teacher asked me, looking up from her desk where she had been grading papers and frowned at me. "And no cursing."

I covered my arm and smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry about that, may I go to the bathroom? Please?"

She nodded slowly, still eyeing me as though I grew another head. "Okay. Hurry back, though, so you can finish the lab."

"I will," I replied as I got up, walking out of the classroom quickly. My feet were walking at a high speed without running.

Faye Foreigner, I thought in frustration, as I passed my one and only award in the trophy case. It as a trophy with my whole basketball team and a team picture. We were pretty good at basketball, my school team. We often made it to state championships. I live in Minnesota.

My school life was pretty good, if one were to look through my eyes. My home life is pretty good too. I have a good family.

My parents work in a very well-known, and a high ranked company. My father's grandfather was the founder of the company. Yeah, it's still pretty young but it's really popular in the business world. It's president, or whatever the owner thing is (I suck at business, unlike the rest of my family), from son to son.

So, with a popular business comes money. We're rich, if that's what you'd like to call people who have a lot of money. But don't think we're those snobby rich people.

My parents aren't stuck up in other words. And I'm not popular. Not in my opinion anyways. I have an older sister, and an older brother. Both out of high school, with their own lives and everything. My sister is in college and my brother? Well he's married and has a daughter.

Major age gap. Apparently, my mom didn't expect to have me far apart from them, since they wanted three children, but didn't have a lot of free time to have me sooner.

I have two horses; both the loves of my lives. Along with three dogs. Frizz a St. Bernard, Stag a Doberman, and Mister a golden retriever.

I also have two best friends, who are the two people I can rely on for anything and everything.

Lucy and Manny. Manny is my totally, completely awesome friend. He's also gay, which me and Lucy have never had a problem with. We are both very supportive of him, even if some of his family aren't. His parents have accepted it with hesitation, but understand that he won't change because his family doesn't approve of him.

Lucy is your typical badass teenage girl who breaks the rules and likes wearing lots of black. She doesn't have tattoos, or piercings, or even make up (she refuses to wear it unless absolutely necessary), but she pulls of the ripped black jeans, black off the shoulder shirt, and black combat boots.

On my way to the closest bathroom, I glance around to make sure nobody is nearby and then pull up my sleeve to take a closer look at the burns. My skin was red and irritated but there were also black markings, like vines, curling up my wrist and my arm, disappearing into the rest of my sleeve.

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