Chapter 13: Faye's Conversation

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Hullo beauties. :)


Salma Hayek as Lucy's mother above.



Pretty soon we had arrived in London, which was just as cold as it was beautiful. We arrived about two days ago, and I was informed Quince and I would share a bedroom so it made things easier on both cost and easy access to each other and our parents.

Neither Quince nor myself complained about the arrangements, we both were actually happy when we found out about it. In the airport, where we waited to board for another two hours due to something with the plane, Quince and I talked and got to know one another a little better. When we weren't sleeping on the plane, we were talking quietly so not to disturb the other people on board with us.

However, ever since we got to London we've both been jet-lagged badly. Our parents told us that it was normal and would wear off before we know it, but I was sort of jealous that they didn't seem to feel the affects of it.

"It's because us and Quince's parents are always travelling to Europe for business," my mother had told me, giving me a sympathetic smile. "After so much flying and time changes, I suppose it just doesn't work on us anymore."

The first two days we were in London, Quince and I spent most of the time trying to stay active. We didn't sit down to long, and we made sure we didn't try to doze off in the middle of the day. At night we talked for hours before finally falling asleep, which probably doesn't help in trying to get over jet-lag.

On the third day I had forced myself up, remembering that the night before Mom came over and told us that she booked us for a tour of London.

"Why can't you just show us around?" I complained, frowning at the thought of being with a bunch of tourists on a tight bus.

"That wouldn't be the true experience," my mother had replied, laughing. "Don't worry, it won't be that bad. Just wait."

And so here I am, getting ready to go on this tour that will probably be agonizingly boring. Sure I wanted to see the city and attractions, but we probably won't get to actually do anything because it's a .. well, a tour. Ugh.

I showered and woke Quince up, which was as difficult as trying to get Lucy up. She sluggishly flipped me off before practically crawling to the bathroom and shutting the door, followed by the sound of the shower starting.

I dried and straightened out my hair, then waited for Quince to finish. I started to grow slightly impatient by how long she seemed to be taking and stood up, walking to the closed bathroom door and huffing. I tapped my foot on the ground and then lifted my hand, slamming it repeatedly against the door.

"What?" she yelled, the shower turning off. I groaned inwardly and walked to the dresser where my hairbrush sat, grabbing it and running it through my recently straightened hair.

"Quince hurry your ass up!" I yelled at the closed bathroom door, tapping my brush on the side of my leg. "If we're late my Mom will kill me, then kill you, then kill me again!"

Laughter echoed the bathroom walls, sounding slightly muffled from the door blocking the two of us. "Coming!" she sang, her voice filled with pure teasing and amusement.

I groaned out loud and rubbed my face, shaking my head, before turning to look at myself in the mirror to make sure what I was wearing was appropriate for today. The news said it would be cold with a slight chance of rain, but very low chance, and so I decided on a long sleeved burgundy shirt, a black scarf, jeans, and combat boots.

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