Chapter 11: The Foreigner's History

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Hello! The chapter quite a few of you have been waiting for is now here. ;)

Chris Pine as Livius above. 




"What?" I asked, feeling like the breath in my very chest was punched out and I was slammed against a brick wall, unable to believe my ears. I gazed in shock at my sister and my parents, feeling my jaw slide down.

Jordan shot a glance at our parents, who were staying quite silent at this very moment. Jordan pursed her lips at their lack of words and then turned her eyes back to my shocked face. "Dragons exist, Faye," she repeated seriously.

"Uh .. I .. um," I stumbled, not meeting her gaze despite trying too. Dragons exist? How is that even possible? I was on a thin line between believing her words and laughing at them. "Well then."

Finally, after a silence Jordan had decided not to fill this time, Mom says, "How about we start from the beginning?" Her eyes went to me and she offered a small smile.

"That," I replied, nodding slowly, "is an amazing idea."

Mom chuckled softly and gestured for me to take a seat, and I did. I sat down next to her and moved it forward to pull myself into the table, then glanced from person to person as I awaited for them to start speaking.

"In the fifteen hundreds, one of our ancestors named Cain Foreigner had discovered dragons. He wasn't sure how he came across them, in fact it seems that the dragons came to him instead. One dragon in particular had walked forward to the front of the group, bowing his head to Cain," Mom begins, her voice filling with a sort of distant tone to it, as if this story was a favorite of hers, "Cain had been interested to learn more about dragons, so he had befriended them.."

Dad straightened up and started talking in place of mom, who in turned gave him a dirty look, but let him continue anyways,

"..but he was young at this time, around twenty, and had been arranged to marry a wealthy young lady. Cain was rebellious and when he confronted his mother and father they had been ashamed of his outburst. He had continued to visit the dragons, seeking advice and friendship."

Dad paused, catching his breath, and I took that as a moment to let this information so far process. "Soon, his father became suspicious that he had been sneaking out to meet a girl. One day, he followed Cain and when he saw the dragons, he saw it as dark magic that had created these creatures."

He paused again and I nod for him to continue, highly interested. It all seemed like it was a fairytale written as a bedtime story or an old tale that was just a belief, a myth. But if my parents were telling the truth about all of this, then it was absolutely amazing.

"He pointed fingers toward his own son, because at the time magic was a crime and many innocent people were hung for things that made people think that magic was involved. When Cain was accused of using dark magic, the young man pleaded to the dragons for help. The dragons felt betrayed when Cain's father had seen them, and refused to help Cain. Cain had tried to convince them of the truth, but they didn't listen. Still here?" Dad asked, giving me a small smile at my expression.

I nodded, curling the fingers of my left hand in my hair and tugging gently from habit. "Yeah," I assured, smiling a bit, "it's just all so new."

"I know," Mom said softly, nodding as well.

"When Cain had been taken away, ready for hanging the lead dragon known as Sayre had a dream. The first born dragon had come to him, saying that Cain had been tricked and was innocent," Dad continued, rubbing his hands together hesitantly.

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