Chapter 21: Jed 'The Awesome'

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Hiya! Chapter 21 upload!




I was seriously getting tired of my thick, long hair. Sure, I loved having long hair and all, but sometimes it got really annoying and hard to take care of. For example, at the moment I was braiding it, and over the past couple weeks I haven't gotten myself a trim. When I managed to get it into a messy, but strong braid, I was quite pleased with myself.

"Hey! Faye, I have something to show you!" Jordan popped her head into my bathroom, her eyes shining as she tapped her fingers on the doorway eagerly.

I opened my mouth to reply to her, but she shot her hand out and snatched my arm. She drags me out of my bathroom and bedroom, down the stairs, and towards the door. 

"Ow!" I yelled at her, trying to pry her claws off of my arm. For goodness sake, they're literally claws! She had the longest fingernails, even though they were fake as hell. And they hurt! Who makes sharp talons (that people call fingernails) to put on your fingers? Are they trying to cut skin?

"Jordan!" I yelled, slamming my feet into the floor and letting my weight stop the both of us.

"Yes, baby sister?" Jordan paused and tugged my arm, attempting to get me moving again.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I didn't budge.

Jordan blinked at me for a moment, stopping her endless tugging. I took the opportunity to pry her hand off and rubbed the spot she had nested her nails into the skin.

"Hello?" I snapped two fingers in front of her, and she put her hands on her hips.

"Don't play with me," she said, tapping her foot. "You know where we're going!"

"I do?"

"Well, duh!" She studied my confused expression and furrowed her eyebrows. "You look extremely lost."

"Could it be because I have no idea what the hell you're talking about?" I offered dryly.

Jordan's face twisted and she sighed heavily. "Damn it, I thought Mom said she'd tell you about it. I swear, she's getting old and senile these days."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What is 'it', Jordan?"

"We're starting your training today!" My sister announced cheerfully, doing this little dance with her hands and giving me a 'yay' smile.

"Excuse me?" I asked, staring blankly at her as my mind slowly started to register her words.

I was starting training already? I only just started flying on Leto and now they wanted me to start actual combat training and shit? Were they insane? Why was I not aware they'd be having me start so soon, because I am not prepared for this. Mentally or physically.

"B-but," I stuttered out, biting my tongue, "it's so soon.."

"The sooner the better!" Jordan chirped, seeming to not notice my change in attitude from confused to absolutely nervous. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, I think.

"Jordan, I don't think I'm ready for this," I uttered out, swallowing nervously. They were crazy!

"Nobody is ever ready for things like this, Faye," Jordan tells me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Her cheerful attitude didn't change, but she seemed to pick up on my unease because she gently gave me a side-hug. "It's all apart of becoming a rider."

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