Chapter 14: Girls Day

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Remake (and honestly, probably better) chapter 14.

This chapter will contain stuff that the first chapter 14 did not. :)

Plus it will be longer. I felt that the first one was very rushed and didn't seem as if they were enjoying themselves. So, this one will not only be longer, it will also have a new character. (Not including Livius).

Dedicated to TheRedHeiress!

Thank you for listening to my ranting about how stupid and infuriating Wattpad can be and also on complimenting my story. You are very awesome! ^-^

Emma Roberts as Rosanne (Lucy's sister) above.

Major edits and changes have been made.


I felt the warmth leave my body as the blankets were ripped off of me, making me groan and try to curl up. I knew who it was that took my precious blanket from me.

"I swear to God," I hiss, opening one eye and glaring at her. "Quince what have I told you about waking me up this early?"

"It's eight in the morning," she laughed, nudging my foot with her hand. "Now wake up."

"You know," I mumble as I close my eyes once more, "we have the day to ourselves. Which means we don't have to wake up quite yet."

"Yep, I know," she chirped, tapping my shoulder playfully, "But it takes a while for you to get ready!"

That caught my attention, and I glare up at her, huffing slightly. "Excuse me? That is not true and you and I both know it!"

"Finally!" She threw her arms up, rolling her eyes and cocking her eyebrows. "Now you're awake!"

I mumbled, yawning ever so slightly. "Yeah, yeah. Just be happy I'm not kicking your ass."

She grins and I pick out my outfit for the day. I slam the bathroom door shut for good measure, which earns a laugh from Quince.

I look at myself in the mirror and notice that the highlighted tips of my hair were beginning to fade. I'm going to have to get them redone today.

Should I stick to purple again? I wondered taking the tips in between my fingers. Or should I pick a new color?

Biting my lip, I tried to imagine maybe a turquoise color in my blonde hair. Or bright pink? Holy crap, not pink. Definitely not bright pink..

I let go of my hair and it falls to my chest. I undress and step into the shower.

As I stand under the warm water I wonder how Lucy, Manny, and Ken are. Do they miss me as much as I miss them?

I rub the shampoo into my hair, different things scattering in my head.

After I step out of the shower I dress quickly and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom, and Quince takes it over.

I sit on my bed and play FarmVille on my phone, waiting for Quince to finish up.

Quince soon walks out, running her hairbrush through her hair and humming.

"And you say I take forever," I say to her sarcastically, not looking up completely, but glancing up at her while trying to force down a chuckle.

She stuck her tongue out at me then continued to brush her hair, which I saw from the corner of my eye.

"Real mature," I teased her, smirking a bit.

"Oh yes, because you are so mature," she teases back, fixing a fake glare on me.

I grinned, pretending to look sassy and tilting my chin up at her. "I am. Thank you for noticing."

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