Chapter 3: My Horse is A Show Off

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And thy third chapter is here.

Alexander Ludwig as Ken above.




Come on, Faye. One last goal and you win the game, I thought as I kicked the ball away from one of the other players, my breath sucking in. My heart raced as I neared the goal, and I knew if I got this in me and my team would win the game.

I was currently side by side with a player from the other team we were playing against, and she was starting to get close enough to kick the ball from under my feet. My head was soaked with sweat and my throat was burning with the urge to stop, but I didn't. I wouldn't just stop.

My eyes became narrowed as I watched the other girl's movements, instantly figuring out what she was going to do and that I had to prevent it from happening. I let the ball kick from foot to foot while I keep myself from letting this girl distract me from my goal, even when she tried to kick the ball from between my feet. Before she could catch up with me and kick the ball from my feet, I suddenly draw back from the ball and swing my right leg back.

My foot swung towards the ball and connected with it five seconds later, sending it racing towards the net. Sweat trickled down my forehead and I watched with clenched hands as the guard shot herself towards the ball to block it. But she had jumped to late, the ball slammed into the net and fell to the grass.

A ball of triumph and gleeful pleasure rose up inside my body, making me join the others in a cheer that announced my team's victory. I whipped around and darted towards my team, joining the large group hug that was forming. We starting hooting our school's spirit song while jumping back and forth in the group hug.

After we end the group hug and share high fives and individual hugs, we shake hands and make good with the opposing team. Most team members on their side didn't seem like they wanted to talk to us much, but some of them were congratulating us and being nice.

I soon pull away from the crowd and make my way towards the benches on the side of the field and grab my bag which was next to it and drag it in front of my feet once I was seated. I lifted my left leg onto my right knee, starting to undo the shoelaces of my shoes. I'm joined by Myra who looked absolutely pleased. "You were great out there!" she chirped.

I laughed and tugged off the dirty shoes, replacing them with my regular tennis shoes and then removing the pads on my knees. "Thanks, so were you. I was impressed."

Myra's hand hit my arm gently, playfully. "Not as good as you!" she replied, grinning widely while kicking off her shoes. "I mean, did you see how that girl looked when you kicked the ball into the net?" She released a breathy laugh, shaking her head. "It was the funniest thing ever."

I chuckled and stuffed my soccer shoes into the bag at my feet, glancing at Myra. Her black hair was in a ponytail, but some lose strands stuck to her face by sweat and her brown eyes were cheerful. "I bet it was, but I'm just happy I didn't see it because I was so focused on the game."

Myra grinned wider and said something else, but my attention was snapped from her when I thought I heard my name being called. My eyebrows furrowed, I turn my head towards the crowds of people and stretched my neck to try to spot anyone I may find familiar. 

That's when I saw my Mom making her way up to me with a wide smile on her face, making me beam with happiness. I saw her hand tug lightly at a leash, and seconds later a hopping Tyrone was trotting after her with a halter around his back.

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