Chapter 20: Faye's Nightmare

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"If we don't protect them, defend them, and be true to them then the dragons will cease to exist. Is that what you want of them, my old friend?  A magnificent species just gone because you are to cowardly to face an enemy? If they die out so will we. They decided to trust us, remember. Not the other way around. They are our past, our present, and our future. Please explain, my old friend, why is it you are afraid to die when we have the most stunning creature on our side? These dragons are worth dying for." -Cain Foreigner

I was gliding on Let's back, relaxing and gazing up at the orange, pink, and red sky as the sun was setting around us. I lifted a hand from under my head and ran it through a fluffy white cloud as we brushed past it, a smile tugging the corners of my lips. I was so at peace and so worry free when I was up here, riding on Leto's back. While down below held the problems, high above held nothing more than a few birds and some clouds. Just as Leto was beginning to turn slightly, something happened.

The white fluffy clouds began to slowly turn into a deadly black color, flickering with lightning. They came out of nowhere, turning the beautiful colorful sky into an eerie dark purple-black. They circled each other slowly, like two wolves circling one another before a fight to death. Thunder rumbled loudly and lightning lashed out at random times.

I flipped myself around so I was laying on my stomach, my arms wrapping around Leto's neck as I tried to contain my rapidly beating heart. "Leto? W-what's going on?" I asked, fear apparent.

Suddenly it felt like we were falling, then I realized it was because we were falling. Leto's wings had gone limp, and her legs weren't fighting the air. Her neck was dangling like a rag doll and we began spinning out of control. I yelled out and wrapped my arms tighter around her neck, kicking her side slightly. I felt a warm, wet substance on my hands where they were wrapped and released one to look at it. It was covered, drenched, in thick red blood. I gasped and peeked over to see the source. A large, gaping hole, was in Leto's chest.

"Leto!" I screamed in horror as we fell, my despair beginning to rise. I reached my mind out to her, but it was static, no connection. I felt no heartbeat, no breathing, no movement. Her body was turning cold under me.

She was dead.

As we continued to fall, my tears rapidly growing, I noticed figures of some sort on the ground completely unmoving. As we neared, I gripped Leto tighter when I saw what it was: They were bodies, bodies everywhere. Fallen riders and dragons alike, having died together or having fallen a few feet away from one another as they were shot down.

I screamed more, choking on loud sobs in between, as we got nearer to the ground. I closed my eyes, and buried my face into Leto's white-scaled neck and awaited the heavy force to meet us. But it never came.  I peeked open my eye, seeing we were just inches away. I closed them again.

I suddenly flung up in bed, gasping loudly and sweating under the covers. My tank top and sweatpants stuck to my sweaty skin, my hair was drenched with it as well. I was breathing heavily and something was running down my cheeks. I wiped the tears away, but couldn't stop the crying that was occurring. The dream was so detailed, so life-like.

I kicked the covers off of my hot body, needing to cool off. I slipped out of bed and stagger to the nearest window, my shaking hands struggling to push it open. Once I succeeded, a blast of frosty hair hit my face. I sighed as it sent refreshing chills down my body, making me at ease at least a little. I walked over to all of my other windows and opened them all the way up.

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