Chapter 17: Our Family History

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713 reads? I think I might pass out, guys. xD

Okay so, in this chapter you learn a LOT more about Cain and the history of Dragon Riders.

If you skip the parts about Cain and the history of DR's, then please take note that it will be very important later. I understand if it may get boring, but it's a big part of THOADR.

So here's chapter 17!




"Let me see if I'm hearing you right," I was saying to my mother slowly, my fingers rubbing my temple. "Here, at Dragon's Cove, there's more dragons than there are riders."

Mom blinked and nodded. "Yes, exactly.."

"I guess I can see that happening, but mind explaining a bit?" I asked.

"Sure." Mom nodded and said, "You see dragons come here all the time. They come from all over the world, whether they've got a rider or they don't."

"Oh.." I turn my eyes to the tree my mother and Jordan had pointed out to me as we walked towards it. "What kind of tree is that, anyways?"

It was the biggest tree I've ever seen in my life. It was taller, according to mom, than the Empire State Building. It had large, thick branches jutting out of it that could hold a neighborhood and was holding some dragons on it right now. Mom told me that the inside held a small waterfall for those dragons who like the water. Basically, it's a big tree.

"It's an Ancient Root," she tells me, smiling. "It was planted when Dragon's Cove was established, and thousands if not millions of dragons have lived there."

I was taken aback by the reply, and I stopped walking for a moment and craned my neck to look up. Sure, we weren't close enough to it yet that I had to look up but I still did anyways.

"Dang," I said, crossing my arms.

"It's a high possibility your dragon is here," Jordan added, nudging me so that I looked at her. She smiled. "Many dragons come and go, and a lot find their riders."

I wrap my arms around myself and nodded, but I wasn't cold. "Yeah, I kind of figured that out," I replied.

Mom stepped aside as someone clumsily fell over. We were walking through the village, down the road that led to the Ancient Root. It was packed, of course, and we were trying hard not to run into anybody.

"Why again aren't there cars?" I asked, stepping around the fallen person who was gathering himself up.

"Tradition," Mom answered, slowing so we could walk beside her. "Remember, this village was established in Cain's time."

"Which was again?" I asked, making sure to not let my eyes trail from my mothers bright cardigan so I don't get lost. So many people. I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Cain was born in 1499," Mom tells me. "Around 1516 or 1519 he discovered dragons."

"But if he discovered them, then how could of this village been made?" I asked, wrapping my arm through Jordan's to keep her close. I honestly feel like I'd get lost if I didn't keep her close. "I mean, if he was searching for people like him and other dragons, then he was the only one who knew about them right?"

"In 1536, I think, he had found more people willing to join him. The main problem wasn't that they didn't have enough people, it was that the humans were finding the dragons and killing them. Villages hung, drowned, or even burned people alive," Mom explains.

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