Chapter 26: Punching, Kicking, Flirting

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Hello! Another chapter.. that I took an hour changing and editing.

I was such a terrible writer when I first wrote this.. Man .. Anywho!





I took a deep, shaky breath and gave myself my fourth pep-talk about leaving the house today. I needed to stop moping around, even though I had a perfectly good reason to do so, and actually hold my chin up and get my mind off this stupid thing.

I released my hold on the counter and exited my bathroom and bedroom, making my way down the stairs and outside. I wasn't sure where everyone was, but the house seemed quiet and felt empty so I was going to assume they were out.

My feet started walking towards the village, but I had no desired location quite yet. My mind simply drifted as I walked, letting my feet carry me to wherever. I've talked to Quince and Leto a few times, but I wanted to do something other than that. I mean, I love talking to them, but I needed to be social with more people to help myself get through this shit.

I realize a bit later after pulling myself from my thoughts that I had been walking towards The Training Center, and was on the path that led to the building. My hands stuffed themselves in my jean pockets as I continued forward, going there.

I walked inside the building, hit with warm air that fought the chill that had taken me over outside. It was always either hot or cold here in Dragon's Cove, I learned, and it always seemed to be changing temperature here. So I've grown used to the climate changes by now, mostly..

I pause in the middle of the big lobby, my eyes flicking to the hallways I could choose to go down. I don't even know why I've decided to come here, but I had the weird urge to so I just did. The only person I really knew here, besides a couple of instructors, was Jed. Using my fingers to comb my hair in thought, I huffed out loud and trudged to the Armory.

I pulled open the door, letting my eyes pause on the sign for a moment. A smile tugged my lips when I saw Jed's addition to his sign was still there in Sharpie and shook my head, entering the room and letting the door shut itself behind me.

I looked around, the lights were on and the room looked the same as last time I was here. Jed was nowhere to be found, meaning he was either in his office or he was out. I walked a bit more inside the room so I could get a peek around the corner to see if his office lights were switched on. I felt a bit relieved at seeing the light greet me as the office windows came to view.

Jed's head lifted and he turned around in his chair, having heard my arrival. Upon seeing me, his eyebrows shot up and he stood from his chair. He tossed something lazily on his desk and made his way out of the office. "My my, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

I grimaced, only just remembering how much of a flirt Jed was. How could I possibly forgotten that about him? It's pretty much what made Jed .. well, Jed. He was a huge flirt the last time we met, but when he was teaching me about armor he was really serious and informative. Two sides of Jed, one more annoying than the other.

"Hi," I greeted, stopping by a dummy with some kind of armor on it and scratching the back of my right heel with the toe of my left tennis shoe. 

His brown eyes studied my face, but didn't drift anywhere else. He gave me a smooth smirk, which almost made me blush. Almost. "Hey. I knew you'd be back. They always come back." He winked.

I put a finger to my mouth and faked a gag, to which he scoffed in offense. "I'm not here to flirt with you, weirdo," I said, dropping my hand to my side and biting my lip for a moment. 

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