Some Series Updates 2

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I usually don't put my updates on this series here, but I deleted old Notes so that the book looked a little more cleaned up. Plus, this is the most read and probably has the higher change of people seeing it.

Alrighty! Let's get started!

So, wow.. the reads this book alone has. Over 95, 000 reads? That's a lot of reads for me, guys, and I honestly can't believe how many readers and voters AND comments I've been receiving over these past couple months. Every time I open my Wattpad, there's always a new notification for votes. Thank you, every single one of you. You guys are making my dream to be a loved writer come true just by voting and reading.

I've been getting a lot more messages recently, telling me they loved my story and that I've inspired them to write theirs. I get so happy whenever I learn that people really like my writing, say it's unique and different, and that it inspires them to write as well.

Again, thank you so much. You have no idea how much I love all of you right now.


For those who've read this before I started editing, I applaud you for being able to withstand the giant plot holes and the clicheness, and the grammar mistakes, and just how all out terrible it was. I've edited chapters 1-24 so far, and if you're not seeing the edits then my advice would be to remove this from your library and then add it again.

After I'm finished my first edit of this story, I'm going to go for a second edit to fix any mistakes I made or missed while editing the first time around. You guys kindly pointing out my mistakes often helps me to find and fix them.

And last but not least,

I've discussed this matter with you guys before but here's some more recent news on it. I still am going to be publishing these books, and I'm still going to wait until I'm done with high school to do so. But we're a few steps closer! I've been talking with my mom about finding a publisher, editor, etc. so don't think I won't publish these!

They'll be published, trust me. :)

Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day!

-Grace xx

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