Chapter 6: Snowball Fights

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Hmm, this chapter is actually more of a filler, just like these .. last few chapters. e.o .. Um .. Don't know what else to say..

Ronda above.




My eyes forced themselves open, much to the rest of my body's protest, and took in the sight of the ceiling as the first thing I saw. I blinked a few times and breath in and out steadily, wincing when a roll of unease twisted in my stomach, making me feel slightly sick.

I sat up in bed and shakily glanced around, letting out a soft breath and gripping the sheets in between my fingers to keep me held up right on the bed. I felt movement beside me, and I snapped my head quickly to the side which was a mistake. I squinted through the dizziness that erupted through my vision and saw the figure of .. Ken?

"You're awake." There was a shuffle and then he was facing me, his blue eyes watching me in concern. "How do you feel?"

"Really dizzy .. and tired," I told him, shrugging and rubbing my arms. Why the heck was he in my bedroom, anyways? I wasn't really angry about it, but more confused if anything. "What happened, exactly?"

Ken ran his hand down his blonde hair and studied my face with a frown on his handsome face. "One moment we were all talking back at the coffee shop, the next you're on the ground completely unconscious," he explained.

I released a soft breath and leaned back against my pillows. "Oh, wonderful," I said dryly, moving hair to my left shoulder and out of the way from my face. "Just peachy as hell."

Ken smiled slightly, his eyes sympathetic. "We assumed you were extremely tired and that your body just sort of needed a rest so it did it for you on it's own," he admitted, his shoulder brushing mine as he sat back beside me. "We took you back here."

"Thanks for not taking me to the hospital." I wrinkled my nose, not able to contain the grimace building up in my features. "I didn't want to end up there for the day. I don't think I'll pass out again, so long as I'm careful."

"You're welcome." Ken nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a gentle embrace, to which I leaned into him and rested my head on the crook of his arm. "We sort of thought you'd hate us for a while if we did that, and some people wanted us to take you to a hospital .. but we managed to get you home." He kissed my cheek.

"Thanks again," I said gratefully, smiling warmly at him. "It's better to wake up in your own bed than a hospital bed attached to machines.. Blah.." I shivered slightly. I have never been a fan of hospitals, and only go if I needed too or if my family was there. Otherwise, I avoided them at all times if I could.

"Are you still tired?" he asked after a while of silence. I sort of started dozing off during the silence and I popped my eyes open when he spoke. "You look like you could use more rest."

I yawned softly and closed my eyes. "Mm.. I'm just going to rest my eyes for a while.." I fell asleep.


The next time I woke up, I was alone in my bed. Ken must have left sometime earlier, because the spot he had been was now cold without a trace of warmth left. I struggled to get out of bed, feeling groggy and still half-asleep. I stumbled to the bathroom and took a quick shower and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with my school's sweatshirt over it and then climbed upstairs lazily.

I entered the kitchen, my stomach on a very important mission now. My mouth went slightly dry when I saw the fridge and I hurried towards it, but was surprised to see Jordan in the kitchen drinking tea.

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