Chapter 31: Forgiveness

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Chapter 31 already.. Wow.. This book is just like .. 

Thanks for reading, everyone! :,)




I could tell you that ever since my little spout with Lucy and Ken, I've felt better to have things off my chest. Well, I was pleased for a few hours after yelling at them and giving them my voice of opinion..which I've done already to them over the phone.. but then I found myself throwing up behind a bush.

I will tell you now, it's not just one time either. It's not a simple throwing up that was due to me eating to much or to fast. Oh, no. This shit burned when it came back up, and so far it's come up four different times ever since last night. A few hours after throwing up the third time, I tried two crackers and some water. Well, now you know how that turned into numero upchuck four. 

I spit into the grass when my stomach had emptied completely, lifting my sleeve up and wiping my bitter-tasting mouth. I stepped back on my shaky legs and sat down so I could let the world around me stop spinning like crazy. My throat burned, but until I got back to the camp I couldn't do anything about that.

I composed myself some minutes later and dragged myself back to the spot I had previously been by Jackson in front of the fire. Sure, I had eaten no more than two crackers and drank some water, but apparently my stomach had leftovers from the first few times I threw up.

As I lowered myself onto the ground, a burning sharply stabbed my stomach. I winced and shifted positions until I found one that my stomach didn't give protest too. I ended up laying on my back on top of my makeshift bed, a patch of grass with my backpack as a pillow.

Jackson leaned over and touched my forehead. "Are you alright? You're burning up pretty badly."

"I am?" I lifted my own hand to my forehead, but it felt normal. It must be because my body is different in temperature than Jackson's, making it seem like I don't have a fever to myself. I dropped my hand as Jackson brushed some sticky hair from my sweaty and feverish forehead. "Great."

"That's the fourth time you've thrown up," he pointed out, frowning in concern. "You must have some sort of stomach flu."

"I'd better not," I muttered under my breath, wrinkling my nose. "The last damn thing I need is to be sick."

Jackson offered me a small smile. "I'm afraid you might just be, Faye. Are you thirsty?"

"Yes." My answer came out just as his question ended, and I waved my hand towards the water bottle. My throat was on fire, or so it felt anyways.

"Small sips," he instructed, tilting the water bottle over my lips and pouring a small amount into my mouth. The slightly warm water trailed down my throat. Despite it not being ice cold, it still soothed my throat and eased the flaming burning in it. "How's that feel?"

"Better," I rasped, licking my lips and eyeing the bottle. "More."

"Wait for your stomach to settle the first sips." He frowned and watched me. "I know you need water, but let's not make your stomach upset a fifth time."

My throat started throbbing again, and I swallowed some of my saliva to try to soothe it. But that somehow only made it worse. I felt my eyes begin to close, exhausted from getting sick to my stomach.

I was in and out of consciousness since then throughout the night and half the day. I would feel my head being lifted gently, and a fresh liquid of water being poured into my mouth and my body automatically swallowing it, temporarily soothing my throat. My stomach would churn at my head being moved, and my sleep was painful and unsatisfying.

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