Chapter 19: Time To Fly

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Here's Chapter 19! :D

OH! I saw How To Train Your Dragon 2 and it was AMAZING! :D Go see it!




I was upstairs, admiring my new room some more when I heard Mom call my name. I shuffle my way through the upstairs hallway until I find the stairs, then proceed to make my way down. Finally, I find my mother standing patiently, waiting for me.

"Hmm?" I say once I approach her, stopping in front of her and tilting my head in question.

"Now that you have Leto, I think you need to learn a few things," she announced, clapping her hands with a large smile.

"Which is?" I ask cautiously, eyeing the look on her face. I knew my mother, and that was most definitely the face of someone who had the gears inside their head working.

Mom's smile widened, and she opened the door. She ushered me out, and then followed, making sure to close the door. "Well, because you now have a dragon it means you'll be flying.."

I scratched the back of my neck, feeling a tad uncomfortable now. I didn't know how I felt about starting to fly with Leto, despite her and I already getting along really well. I wasn't sure if I was ready to start flying, especially since Leto and I only have been acquainted for a week. To me, it seemed to all be happening really fast..and that sort of scared me.

"O-oh," I mumbled, looking down at my feet and nervously biting down on my lip.

"Are you okay?" Mom rested her hand on my shoulder and bent her head down so she was face to face with me, her eyes holding slight concern. "You don't look that excited."

I sighed. "I-it's not's just.."


"I don't know whether I feel ready to start flying, Mom. I mean.. I just met Leto, like a few days ago. Now you're wanting me to go to a whole new level of this rider thing."

Mom blinked at my words and smiled softly, shaking her head. "Faye, sweetheart, I never said that you and Leto had to do anything you're not ready for. This is basically just a way to see how things feel, sort of for you to get a bit of first time experience."

I felt my shoulders relax slightly at what she said. "So.. Nothing to much? Just a couple test flights?"

She nodded. "Just a couple test flights?"

"Will I be like.. on my own? Or will I have something to hold me up?" I asked her curiously, tugging a strand of my soft blonde hair in between my index finger and my thumb.

"Usually, we give first-timers a saddle to wrap around the dragon," she explained to me as she stood up straight and waved me forward. She began down the porch steps and I followed hesitantly.

I slowly blink and ask her, "Do the dragons like saddles?"

"They don't love them, but they don't mind them that much either."

"I hope Leto doesn't mind."

Mom smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, giving me a little playful shake. "Stop being so worrisome, you. I'm sure Leto won't mind whatsoever." She suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"What?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Why are we stopping?"

"I don't think," Mom started slowly, pointing at my outfit, "that those are really riding worthy clothes."

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