Chapter 36: Guilt Tripping Lucy

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GAH 'Tis almost over, this book. It seems like I only started it.. Huh. Weird how things work, yeah?

Hm. At least it's doing good. 




The girls and I walked out of the spa about five hours later, feeling completely brand new and ten times better. My back no longer hurt, my body was relaxed for the first time in forever, and we all were beaming.

"That," Quince drawled, closing her eyes when the slightly chilly air hit her face, "was absolutely amazing."

"Wasn't it?" I agreed, sighing in content and taking in some of the fresh air. "I could do that again. I've never been to the spa before today, so it felt nice."

"I haven't been either, and I agree, it was amazing," Lucy agreed, running her hands through her glossy black hair with a dreamy smile.

We stood by my car for a long moment before Quince asked, "Alright, do we have anything we wanna do next? The day's still young and if you're not tired we could do something."

"Food," I immediately replied, perking up. My stomach moaned in agreement, making itself known to my friends. They stared at me weirdly.

Quince rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head. "This is London all over again."

"Just feed me," I whined, wrapping my arms around her and hugging her. I batted my eyes and added ever so sweetly, "Please?"

"Oh, alright," Quince replied, huffing and prying me off her. I clapped my hands and cheered, skipping around in a circle before getting into the car and starting it.

"Well, why are you standing there?" I called, seeing that they haven't started getting inside, but were instead staring at me like I was crazy. "I'll leave you here if you don't hurry your asses up."

"I'm pretty sure she's serious," I heard Quince utter to Lucy, eyeing me.

"Of course she's serious," Lucy replied, shaking her head. "It's food. She's never kidding around when it comes to food."

"Hurry up!" I screamed, honking the horn a couple times impatiently. They rolled their eyes at the same time before getting in. Lucy was in the passenger seat while Quince sat in the back.

"Alright, missy," Lucy told me once I was driving. "Where do you want to eat?"

I watched the road, but considered the question. What was I hungry for, exactly? I could go for anything, so I shrugged and said, "I guess we'll see where the magical car takes us."

"You totally have this all planned out," Lucy says sarcastically leaning back against the seat and rubbing her temples.

"Shut up or I'll kick you to the side of the road," I threatened, though we all knew I wouldn't do that. Lucy huffed and smacked me upside the head. 

"Hey!" I cried. "No hitting the driver! Bitch."

"Takes one to know one," the raven-haired girl sang smugly.

"My God," Quince cursed from the back seat.


After we ate, we went to the mall. I had bought quite a few things, having taken advantage of the new pleasures of having my own credit card. I didn't use the advantage just on me, of course. I bought the girls stuff they wanted, and ignored them when they tried to protest against me paying.

And now, here we are standing outside Forever 21. Quince and I were trying to encourage a refusing Lucy to go inside, just to look.

"No." Lucy shook her head furiously. "Absolutely not. I'll wait out here while you go in."

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