Chapter 18: Leto

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Hey what's up? I hope it's all good in the hood. ^-^




The dragon was absolutely beautiful. It was pure white, it's scales sleek and smooth, with a creamy under belly and chest, it had two horns pointing up towards the sky and it had long, broad legs that seemed to show off it's strength. It's claws were sharpened to a dangerous looking point that could tear anything open easily and it had an agile yet elegant build.

The most breathtaking feature of this dragon, however, was it's eyes. They seemed to be soulful, watching my every move I made carefully. Piercing ice blue, like newly formed ice on a lake on the first frozen day of winter.

When I managed to find my voice again, I took a step back. My body was shaking with slight nerve, my lips parted in shock. "M-mom?" I called back shakily, glancing behind me briefly.

The dragon blew out a breath, catching my attention once more. It lowered it's lock, elegant neck to me in the usual greeting way. How did it manage to look so if not trying to?

After a few stupid moments of just staring I finally, snapped to my senses and bowed back quickly. I lowered my head more so than I usually do, either because power radiated from this dragon or because it was just to stunning.

I heard footsteps behind me, causing both the dragon and I to look up and towards the sounds. My sister and mother were approaching, looking just as about as awestruck as I felt right now. Mom sneaks a look at me, and murmured, "You called?"

"I-I think I found my dragon," I said, my voice still shaky. I glanced at the dragon, who was studying my mother and sister intently. "Do you know..what kind she..or he.. is?"

"Faye, you have to ask her that yourself," Mom told me, seeming to gather herself and straighten up, looking at me. "It's rude to ask a question about a dragon with it right in front of you."

"How do I speak to her, though?" I cried, tucking my arms close to my side as I tried to remain calmer than I felt. I was failing miserably. "All the dragons I've talked to started the conversation."

"Think really hard how you want to talk her, or him," she replied, her eyes shifting to the dragon for a moment. "If you really are her rider, then the connection should be easy. connecting a plug into an outlet."

A plug into an outlet, she had told me. But I felt for some reason it might not be that easy. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it was just nerves working me up. I bit my lip, closing my eyes and blocking everything else out. I reached out, imagining the dragon standing in front of me as the one I wished to speak to right now. Suddenly, I felt a snap in my head, like a click. Exactly like the one I felt when I discovered my link to the Hover.

"Hello?" I say cautiously, reaching my eyes up to the white dragon's face.

At first, there's no answer. Only silence. Then a female voice replied softly, "Hello."

"Are you the dragon in front of me?" I inquired, taking a slow step forward. Why was I doing this? Stepping closer to a dragon that made me nervous?

"Yes," the female replied as the dragon slowly bent her head to get a better look at me.

Excitement bubbled up inside of me, and I felt my heart racing faster out of both joy and fear. "What's your name, i-if I may ask?"

"Leto," she replied, blinking curiously at me. "And you?"

"I'm Faye." I pulled my arms from my side a bit, my shoulders relaxing somewhat. My heart seemed to slow as well, my nervousness fading quietly. Okay, so I knew this dragon wasn't going to eat me..hopefully.

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