Chapter 34: Everyone Has A Favorite Something

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Hello, everyone! I hope you're having a good day so far!

Agh it's so early, and yet here I am writing and editing. The things I do for my readers. :)

As usual,




I shuffled my way up the stairs of my basement groggily, my hands using the wall for support in the dark space so I wouldn't trip and bump my head on it. When I found the door handle I pushed it down and forward, walking out.

It's been three days since my little talk with Ken, and we've not talked since then. I felt like a total bitch more, but there wasn't anything I could really do but give Ken the space he wanted and wait for him to come back and be friends again.

During those three days, I've started talking with my parents, Lucy, and Jackson a bit more openly. I wasn't really angry anymore, I think I got all that out when I was crying. Now I was just in need of answers and truth, which they gave me when we talked. It felt nice to talk more openly with them, it cleared the air.

When I asked about the search for Jordan, Dad told me that the parties are still on the trail of finding her. Except the problem was that they were, whoever the kidnapper was, very good at making sure they wouldn't be found. But they find things that continue the trail, it's just taking more time than expected.

The house was, as I suspected it'd be, quiet when I surfaced from my basement. I quietly shut the door and stretched my back muscles that were still asleep like the rest of me sort of was. I looked out one of the windows and saw that the sun was barely peeking up. It was around six-thirty AM or so.

I was probably suffering jet lag, because I've not been sleeping to well lately. I woke up at one AM last night and didn't fall back asleep, thus resulting in my sleepiness. I made my way through the quiet halls and rooms to the kitchen to get myself an energy boost called coffee.

Reaching the kitchen took a while since I was trudging along like a zombie, but when I did I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and set it down by the coffee maker. Just as I'm about to start making coffee, a thought pops into my head.

My hands rest on the counter and I suddenly have no desire to make coffee. I put the mug away and sucked on my bottom lip, debating whether or not I should just make the coffee or go through with my idea.

I ended up listening to my taste-buds and energy-needing brain and pushed myself off the counter. I go downstairs, grab my car keys and my wallet before racing back upstairs. I paused once I'm halfway to the garage and look down at my attire, wondering whether I should change or something.

Oh come on, I told myself eagerly, rolling my eyes as I took in my clothes that I never changed out of from yesterday, It's just coffee. It won't harm anything.

Ah, so my mind has a point. Here I go, talking to my own conscious. I think I was going crazy, but I decided that couldn't be it because I was already crazy. Don't be surprised if it's true, there's so much shit to back up why I'm crazy.

After standing there staring down at myself in my own thoughts for a few minutes, I decided that wearing my Green Day T-shirt and jeans from yesterday would be fine. I didn't need to go change just to go out to Starbucks. But I did grab the hair tie around my wrist and put my hair up into a hopefully decent bun.

I clicked my tongue and shook my head to clear it, seeing as I was getting easily distracted. Side effect numero uno of sleep loss. Or insanity. One of the two, whichever bests fits the description. I started walking again, but was stopped when I heard someone say my name.

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