Chapter 4: First Date

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Hey there again, beauties! Sorry for the notes, but I sometimes enjoy talking to you guys before and after a chapter .. If that makes sense. Blah.

Jordan above.




"Alright." Manny turned to us and took a deep breath, closing his eyes for dramatic effect, and said, "There are a few ground rules." We were currently in my bedroom, where we were discussing our plans to meet Manny's boyfriend.

Lucy and I shared a glance, knowing where this was going. "Ground rules," I repeated, "right."

"Have something to say?" Manny raised his eyebrows at me in question.

"Oh, no, no, go right ahead." I rolled my eyes and waved for him to continue, giving him a 'go on' look and folding my hands in front of me patiently.

"Thank you," Manny said, huffing. He began to list off his fingers as he spoke, "Alright, so. There will be absolutely no swearing, flirting, teasing, or anything like or similar to those categories. That means, Lucy-" He shot Lucy a pointed look, who in turn flipped him off, "-that you need to behave fully."

I eyed Lucy, who said something to Manny loudly in French while glaring at him. Lucy's parents came from France when they were younger, and have pretty thick accents. Lucy's sort of faded, but she sometimes shows it unknowingly and speaks the language very well.

I don't understand French, but I envy the fact that Lucy is French herself. However, my mother is from the UK, and has Greek and Irish blood running through her veins from her ancestors, and my dad's mom originated from Germany and met my American grandfather when she came here. All in all, I have some big family history.

I watched as Lucy finished whatever she was saying and smirk smugly at a confused looking Manny. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a long, deep breath, then saying, "Alright. I do not know what you said, but frankly I do not care. Are you done now?"

"Mhm .. yeah," Lucy murmured, rolling her eyes and shifting beside me. "Continue, oh great one."

"Thank you," Manny retorted sarcastically, then cleared his throat. "As I was saying .."

I leaned over, keeping an eye on Manny who was walking around my bedroom with his hands behind his back and his eyes closed as he spoke loudly. But I whispered to Lucy, "Do I want to know what you said to him?"

Lucy's smirk widened slightly, and she flipped her black hair playfully. "Oh, I said a few things here and there .."

I raised an eyebrow, my gaze now fully on her. I knew she said more than she was letting on, and she knew I knew. She snickered softly and let out a casual breath. "I have a feeling you said something very unpleasant."

She blinked innocently, her hand resting on her chest. "What? Me? All I said was that he could stick his ground rules up his-"

"Are you two even listening?" Manny suddenly screeched, only inches away from us. Lucy and I jumped in surprised and leaped away from one another while Manny glared from me to her a few times. "Why do I even bother? You're impossible! Impossible I say!"

Lucy and I glance at each other in response, and I personally was trying not to laugh at Manny's melodramatic reactions and words. I shake my head at my friend as he placed his hands in the air and gazed at us accusingly. "Oh come now," Lucy said sweetly. "We're not going to be bad girls, are we Faye?"

"Never," I gasped, my hand shooting to cover my mouth.

Manny threw his hands up in the air. "I knew this was a horrible idea!"

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