Chapter 5: Faye's Discovery

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Hi again! You guys doing good? Good.

Kevin above.




"Ken," I groaned as I slightly shifted my desk farther from his a bit for the third time. "Please stop moving closer to me, I really need space. It's essential."

Ken gave me a fake pout and leaned his elbows on top of the desk, giving me a wide-eyed look. "Awe, but I like being next to you. You're pretty."

"Thanks, but you're like .. right next to me already," I mumbled, gesturing to the space between us. We weren't that far away from one another, but he insisted on being closer which was a no no for me. I needed some space between people at all times in places like school or stores and such.

"I know." He clicked his tongue. "But I want to be closer."

I tried not to grimace, patting my palms on my knees quietly and looking at him. "I don't like .. really enclosed spaces, though. It's sort of a thing I hate, I really just need some space between desks." 

Ken nodded, and didn't try to move his desk closer to mine again. I felt relieved that he had stopped, giving him a thankful smile. He returned the smile, and asked, "Mind if I asked why you dislike close spaces? Just out of interest."

"No idea," I answered, shrugging my shoulders and thinking about it for a moment. I realized I really don't know why I don't like the idea of being enclosed in small spaces or being to close for my comfort. I guess it's just something I've always disliked, which would explain my need for such a big room at home.

Ken gave me a thoughtful look, "Maybe you're claustrophobic?"

I considered. "I don't think it's bad enough to see if I need to be diagnosed, it's just a thing I dislike. I try to avoid it if I can," I told him, using the nail of my pinking to slid it under some of the fabric of my pants leg and tug lazily at it.

He smiled at me once more, making me smile back. His smile was very easy to spread, he just had that sort of smile. "That's okay, I like you anyways." He winked playfully and gave me a gentle nudge.

"I'm honored," I murmured, laughing softly at him making the mood lighter than it already was. "Truly."

A girl I know the name of, Cassia, walked up to us. The teacher really did not take notice, because he gave us the period of free time to ourselves. I saw Lucy giving me a neck slicing gesture, then jerked her head to Cassia in warning. I gave her a confused look. I would have told her to come back here with us, but the teacher was keeping an eye on Lucy and said she couldn't have free time until she finished the homework she didn't turn in, so she was stuck.

Lucy ran a hand down her face, tapping her pencil against her paper behind her and mouthing something at me and then jerking the pencil towards Cassia, then looked at Ken. I mouthed an 'o' and nodded, gesturing for her to turn around before the teacher spotted us. She turned back around and worked.

"Hey guys," Cassia greeted us cheerfully, but her greeting was aimed towards Ken and pretty much just flew over my head. "You're looking nice today."

Ken opened his mouth, but I spoke up loudly, "Thanks, Cassia. I just got this shirt at Hot Topic last week, it's pretty nice isn't it?" I saw Lucy cast us a quick, amused look but then disappeared back into her work.

"Great." Cassia gave me a fake, sarcastic smile, but then turned her attention back to Ken and made the smile a real one. Hmm.. "You look great, Ken." She emphasized his name, shooting me a smug glance. What the hell was her problem, anyways? 

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