Chapter 27: Unfair or Selfish

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Editing take two.. Had to edit this all over because it didn't save.. -.- ..





The only person I felt like talking to at all was Jed, mainly because he was a great listener. Whenever I needed to talk to him seriously, he listened to me. He understood a lot more than anyone right now, and I felt extremely grateful he had been willing to listen.

If I needed to punch or kick something, Jed would bring out the punching bag and let me beat at it until my heart's content. I've been coming to Jed for the past three days, and by now my knuckles were bruised and scabbed over from being torn open from the punching. My legs and arms were also sore, meaning I was getting a good workout.

Today, though, I had decided to take a break from punching shit and actually talk to Jed the whole time I was there. I began to tell him about the arranged marriage my parents had conjured up without my knowing until just a couple days ago.

Jed's face was scrunched up in a grimace by the time I had finished, and he let out a breath while shaking his head. "Well damn," he uttered under his breath. "That's.."

"Bullshit? Complete and utter crap?" I offered, tracing my fingernail on the chair while looking at him.

"Sort of.." Jed trailed off.

"Sort of? Just sort of?"

He sighed heavily and clasped his hands together, resting them on top of the chair. "Faye, I understand that you're angry, hurt, and betrayed. With reason, however.."

I opened my mouth, ready to protest at his last sentence, but he held up his hand to stop me. "Let me finish before you get your word in, please."

I close my mouth, which earns me a nod before continuing, "..However, this could change lives for the better. It's completely understandable that you're angry with this situation, but being angry most likely won't change a thing. If it's true what your parents are saying, that his will stop future bloodshed then it's a good thing. Isn't it?" His brown eyes were making me shift in my seat as he asked the question.

"I..I don't know," I finally admitted, my hands curling around the chair in frustration. "You don't understand, Jed, trust me. They tell me it'll stop wars and bloodshed, but at the cost of giving up the future I had planned? Maybe I wanted to wait to marry until I found love?"

"Like Ken?" Jed asked quietly.

I gripped the chair a bit tighter. "I-I don't know, alright? Maybe. I really like Ken a lot.."

"Do you love him, though?"

His question caught me off guard and I had to take a long moment to think this over. Did I love Ken? I swallowed a lump of confusion and thought closely about this serious question, so I wouldn't give an answer I'd regret later. Something inside me wanted me to say yes so I could have a feeling of assurance, but the answer that was the right one was the two letter word.

"No," I answered.

He rubbed his jaw for a long moment, releasing a soft breath. "I won't bother asking how it'd be a problem, then, because for all I know this guy could be a total asshat."

I smiled weakly at Jed's attempt to cheer me up, which worked a bit. "If he is, I'll let you know."

His eyes sparkled at this. "I'll beat the shit out of him, make him a gentlemen."

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