Chapter 29: Rules

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Hi there! Yet another chapter that I hope you enjoy, after an hour of editing. Phew.




"When are we planning on leaving again?" Jackson asks me after a long while of collecting firewood. He was shirtless as he followed me back to camp, firewood in arms. "We probably should be going soon, just in case any search parties that your parents send might come over this forest."

I released a small breath, knowing Jackson's words were nothing but the truth. If we don't leave soon, we might be even more easy for anyone that may be searching to find us. However, I wasn't going anywhere until Leto was feeling up for it.

Finally, I answered, "We'll go when Leto feels the most energized. I don't want to push her and risk her getting overworked." My eyes turned to the handsome warlock behind me, daring him to challenge my words. "You understand?"

For some reason, Jackson nodded his head. "I may have disagreements with your dragon," he said, glancing at the white form as we approached the clearing, "but I agree fully with you, despite my desires to not get caught.."

"You're weird, you know?" I told him, stopping and turning to face him. "You want to go, but you agree that we shouldn't overwork Leto." I studied Jackson carefully. "I just don't get you."

Jackson set down the wood by our campfire, which currently had no flames right now. We'll be making a fire by sunset, though. "Then don't try to get me, or understand me. I'm not heartless, whatever you may think about me. I'm not a dragon person, but I can see Leto's important to you. How is she, by the way?"

"It'd be kind if you'd send that question to me," Leto hummed, making me and Jackson look at her. Seems she was talking to the both of us. Leto narrowed her eyes at Jackson. "Surprised that I'm speaking to you?"

"A bit," Jackson replied calmly out loud. "I mean, all you've done communication wise with me these past two days has been snarling and growling. What should I expect?"

"Alright, the both of you," I stopped both of them out loud, rolling my eyes. "Leto, how are you feeling?"

"I'm still tired, but I can go anytime," she replied to me, her eyes leaving Jackson and concentrating on me. "My strength might be good enough."

I shook my head, frowning at Leto's answer. "No, we don't want anything as a guess. Let's wait another day or so and see how you feel then."

Leto grunts, but lets the topic go for now. I could tell through the bond that she was slightly irked that I wasn't lessening my watchful eye on her, but I didn't want to take risks with this type of thing.

The day passed silently, nobody saying much to one another. Finally sunset came around and the tempreature dropped low, to the point I could see my breath. Jackson and I put wood in our campfire and then sat down in front of it, trying to start it.

Jackson watched with those chocolate brown eyes as I tried to get a fire going with two rocks. Leto had offered to blow a flame into the wood, but I denied because it would use some of her energy. This, of course, pissed her off a little bit.

"I give up," I groaned, letting the rocks fall onto the grassy ground in front of me. "That's nothing like they say it is in those shows and movies."

Jackson chuckled and shook his head, picking the rocks up and placing them gently back in my hands. "It's about patience, not the spark." He curled my fingers around the rocks and then moved his hands up to my elbows, guiding them closer to the wood. Then he moved his hands back over mine and began to use my hands to rub the rocks together.

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