Chapter 35: Spa Day

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Hi there! I hope you guys are excited for the sequel because there's only two chapters left of this, plus the epilogue. ;)




"Get up!" A voice screeched loudly, snapping me from my very much needed sleep. I planned on ignoring them, but my blankets were suddenly ripped from my warm and comfortable body. I gasped when the chilly air hit me, and I sat up.

"What the hell?" I yelled, looking at who dare steal my warm blankets from me and let the cold air hit me. "That's cruel of you to do, you know!"

Lucy blinked innocently at me, dropping my blankets to the floor and smiling. "Whatever do you mean? I'm just waking my bestie up."

"It's eight. In. The. Morning," I hissed upon seeing the time on the clock that sat on the side table. I clenched my fists and turned my glare on Lucy. "Why would you wake me up from sleep when I obviously need it?"

"'Cause we have things to do today." Lucy crawled onto the bed beside me and wrapped me in her arms, leaning back against the pillows.

I frowned, resting my head on my best friend's chest and yawning. "I was not aware we had things to do. When was this decided?"

Lucy blinked down at me, curling a strand of my hair around her index finger and tugging lightly. "Since last night. Didn't you know?"

"Know what?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What exactly did she know that I didn't?

Lucy laughed suddenly, rolling away which ripped me from her arms, and stood up. "Oh if you didn't know, then I assume you're going to be told this morning."

"Tell me what?" I ground out, getting frustrated. "You woke me up for something important, obviously, but you won't tell me. Bitch."

Lucy shot me a wink and stretched, scratching her waist and smirking. "I know. Now get up and get dressed." 

"I might just murder you," I muttered dryly, forcing myself to get to my feet. I yawned and rubbed at my eyes, now very curious as to what I was supposedly going to be told later. I wonder if it was something to do with Jordan, but I immediately scrapped that thought. If it was about Jordan, Lucy would not be so cheery or even be the one to tell me.

"When did you become so violent?" Lucy asks, giving me a look with a raised eyebrow.

"It all started when I met you," I replied grimly, giving her my best serious look. "You ripped the heads right off my dolls. Just like that."

Lucy laughs, nodding her head. Her eyes held amusement as she then said, "I remember. But then again you hated the dolls, so I did not think it mattered..?"

I scowled and reached forward on my bed and grabbed the nearest pillow and sent it slapping against Lucy's face. "That doesn't mean they deserved to be so cruelly decapitated! You monster!" I nearly laughed at her expression.

Lucy grimaced and before I could comprehend what she was doing, she had one of my other pillows in her hand. I yelped as she smacked it across my head. "You bitch! You'll pay for hitting me with that pillow! It's so on!"

"I shall not fall!" I chortled, pouncing onto the bed and tackling her down while smacking her all over with the pillow. She screamed and started to fight against me, hitting me back with the pillow she chose for her weapon. "I am going to be victorious!"

Lucy yelled out a protest and flipped us over, hitting my head multiple times. "Never! You will bow to me or die by feathers and fluff!" She continued to shoot hits at my head with her pillow.

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