Chapter 37: Let's Make This Work

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Hey again again, beauties! 

Hmm chapter 37 already.. one more chapter before the epilogue. Crazy isn't it?

I can't wait to start the sequel, it's going to be great!





My cell phone started ringing again, making me purse my lips and look down at it. I knew who it was, they've called me ten times today. All of them. It wasn't my mother or father this time, but my sister, Rosanne.

I take a second to think whether I should answer it or not, licking my lips uneasily. If I didn't, they would keep calling and calling until I blocked them, muted my phone, or turned it off. I had no desire to do any of that, because I actually enjoyed talking to people outside of the magic world. I still texted Manny and Terrance for example, from time to time.

I decided to answer my phone because I highly doubted I'd get an inch of peace anytime soon if I didn't. I reluctantly pressed the green ANSWER button on the screen and held the phone up to my ear. "This number your trying to reach is unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience."

"Oh so now you answer," Rosanne snapped rudely from the other line, making me roll my eyes, "and you have the nerve to speak to me like that?"

I raised my eyebrows, though nobody was there to see it. I twirled a strand of hair on my finger and click my tongue lazily. "Is that anyway to speak to your dear little sister, Rosanne?"

"Lucy stop being such a child for one second and be serious," Rosanne commanded angrily.

I wrinkled my nose. "I'm a big girl. I make my own decisions, thanks."

"Where are you at?" she asked with a sigh. "And Ken?"

"None of your business, sis," I drawled lazily, tugging at the strand of hair around my finger with a slight smirk. "You see, we don't work for you anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Rosanne asked, her voice slightly off. She seemed nervous now that she heard those words from my mouth, like she'd just learned something very very bad. Well, in her and my family's case .. it was bad.

I decided to be a bitch, but then again that's what I'm really good at. I smirked more, not caring nobody was in the room with me to see it. I was in a guest room at the Foreigner's home, and it was pretty nice. "I said," I repeated slowly, "that we do not work for you anymore."

"Don't be ridiculous," Rosanne hissed. "You're apart of the family, you and Ken. It's apart of you. Now stop staying at some motel and come home. No more rebelling."

"I'm not in a motel, one." I rolled my eyes and hung my head off the end of the bed. My black hair fell downwards, the tips touching the carpeted floor. "And two, this isn't about being a rebel. There's a lot more to the story I won't tell you."

"I have time," Rosanne said like she was saying that I wouldn't be bothering her if I told you. I snorted. Rosanne was such a selfish bitch, and she really didn't care about anyone other than her job and herself.

"Oh?" I mused, sparking with amusement. "Well I don't. Even if I did, I wouldn't think of telling you."

"Lucy, what is it you're trying to tell me?" Rosanne asked tiredly. She was really getting on my nerves with this thing, where she thought I was a child that needed a good scolding.

I released the strand of hair and watched it uncurl from my finger and fall back into place as I pushed myself up in a sitting position. "Let me make it nice and clear for you, since you're a bit thickheaded," I said cheerfully. "Ken and I left the Slayers."

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