Chapter 30: Leto's Nonexistent Love-life

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"Can you carry two, plus the packs?" I asked Leto as I stride over to her and begin securing mine and Jackson's backpacks on her saddle. 

Leto turned her head and gazed at the saddle and packs thoughtfully, her head tilted. "I think I can, though it might take me a bit to adjust to the amount of weight."

I cast my dragon a playful glare and raise an eyebrow. "Are you calling me fat?"

Leto's expression turned innocent as she batted her eyes at me. Did she seriously just give me a dragon eye bat? Oh my goodness. "Me? Call you fat? Why, I'd never ever do such a thing."

"You have something in your eye," I commented dryly, rolling my own eyes. "I'm not getting it out for you, either."

"Won't even help your own dragon?" she said, playfully nudging me as I continued securing the backpacks on her saddle. My hands slipped and I stumbled slightly. "Oops."

"You're mean." I pouted, giving her a glare.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


I was about to reply when Jackson jogged up to me, his hair dripping slightly. He was dressed in a fresh pair of clothing and seemed to feel better, because his brown eyes were lighter than before he bathed. "Nice smelling soaps. I like 'em."

I laughed and retrieved the soaps from him, shaking my head. "I'm glad you do. They're the only ones we have right now."

"Remind me to stop at the nearest market to buy some more," he told me sarcastically, flashing me a charming smile. 

A giggle, yes a giggle, left my lips and my cheeks became warm. I half expected the air to turn awkward from what went on between us last night, but it never did. It was as though Jackson was trying to keep the atmosphere light and friendly, not awkward and silent.

As I put the soaps away, Jackson kept his distance from Leto. I knew she wouldn't hurt him, but based on the satisfaction and amusement radiating from Leto's mind through the link I could tell that she sort of intimidated him to the point to where he would be playing safe around the dragon.

"She won't bite you," I promised him out loud, glancing at Leto. Her eyes glinted at my statement, then the icy blue orbs moved to Jackson as she snapped her jaws. "Hard, anyways."

"I'm not taking chances," Jackson uttered, folding his arms and giving Leto uneasy looks. "Seems to me she'd bite if I got to close."

"She's toying with you, don't mind her." I slap at her shiny scales lightly, rolling my eyes. "She won't bite you. Right Leto?"

The answer I got to the question was simply a half-hearted grunt.

Jackson raised one of his eyebrows and shrugged. "Anyways, I'm going to go make sure we have everything and then cover up our site so that it doesn't look like we were here."

I bit my lip, silently cursing myself for not thinking to do that sooner. Ever since the kiss, my mind has been half-distracted and half-focused, often times I was daydreaming. Sure, it's been less than a day since the kiss but I was confused about my feelings. Very confused.

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