Chapter 23: Brokenhearted

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I didn't really know how to deal with the news, except for taking Mom's advice and giving it time to sink in. The shock, the feeling of piercing heartbreak and betrayal was enough to send me to bed for days. I haven't had any energy, and my depression level was extremely high.

I've been ignoring everyone. Shutting people out is what I do when I'm in a state like this, a state in which I have no desire to do anything but escape my troubles by sleeping. Countless times, my family, Leto, and Quince have tried to get me to talk to them, but I don't hold but a four sentence conversation with them.

The only thing I deny myself is social interaction and communication. I eat, shower, and sleep which seems to make my family feel a little better. At least I'm not blowing away completely.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've cried. It's been a week, and I don't even remember how much I cried, because I've done it so many times now. It's hard not too, so I don't bother trying to keep my tears in anymore.

Trying to keep my mind off of it is hard. It's all I want to think about, but it hurts worse than anything in the world when I do. I draw, read, and listen to music to keep my mind off of the whole thing. It works for a while, but it's a temporary cure that only takes the pain away but not the problem.

I can tell that everyone is trying to be understanding and patient, for my sake. But whenever I see Jordan, I can tell she's wearing thin of her patience. She wants me to approach the topic instead of avoiding it, but I'm not ready to do that yet.

I feel my eyes force themselves open, adjusting to my surroundings. They drifted to the alarm clock on my side table, giving me the time of six twenty two AM. I roll out of bed and take my shower and get dressed, making sure to stay quiet. I've been making sure to leave my bedroom whenever I'm able to not see anyone. My family hates being up early, and so do I, but I want to eat before they wake up.

As I quietly start stepping down the stairs, glancing behind me every so often, a familiar, mouthwatering smell drifts up into my nose. Eggs and bacon, I noted, as I stopped from going any further. My mind began to work and soon boiled up that my parents had awoken early, figuring out that I've been doing so.

I pursed my lips as I debated whether to go back upstairs and wait for them to leave or something to come back and eat. My hand gripped the railing and I thought very carefully about my choices. I knew I couldn't avoid my parents, or anyone, forever, but I was afraid my attitude would make me get into some trouble. My temper hasn't been the greatest lately.

I released a frustrated breath and decided to just get this over with. I continue my way down the stairs and walk into the kitchen, avoiding looking at anyone. I felt eyes on me as I walked, making a ball of bottled up anger and frustration begin to surface.

Calm down, Faye, I scold myself, taking small breaths to calm myself down, This isn't their fault. Don't lose your temper with them.

"Good morning," Mom greeted cautiously, breaking the silent atmosphere. I closed my eyes at the tone of her voice, biting my lip. "How're you feeling?"

I wanted to snap, asking her how she thought I felt. But I didn't do that, I pulled my temper in and glanced behind me briefly to see Mom and Jordan studying me while Dad awkwardly avoided my gaze by reading the newspaper.

Turning my eyes back to the stove where the prepared food was, I grab a plate. "Fine," I forced out calmly. "Just fine."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Jordan asked, sounding so sure that I would say yes. I gripped the handle of the spatula and poured some scrambled eggs onto the plate.

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