Chapter 9: Manny Vs. Faye

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Still can't believe how many reads this has gotten since I first posted it.. Also, this chapter is a really .. just a filler. At least, until the ending of it. ;)

Zoey Deutch as Jen above.




I was starting to notice something about the markings on my back, and that something happened to be how bolder the markings seemed to get each day. They didn't increase in size, really, but they became more apparent to the point where I had to cover them in more makeup than before. That, or just keep on wearing long sleeves.

These past couple days I've been thinking over what I'd do about them: I kept thinking multiple times back to the conversation I overheard on Christmas and wondered if it might help by talking to my parents and Jordan about it. If I did tell them, would it bring me the answers I've been seeking desperately?

My eyes remained locked on the markings, watching them move as I did as I stared at them through the mirror while brushing my teeth. Something about them intrugied me deeply, but scared me at the same time. Whatever it was, I wasn't ready to embrace it .. not yet, I needed answers before I start to accept these weird markings.

I spit out my toothpaste and gave the markings one last, long look before turning away from the mirror and flicking the light off. I trudged to my bed and crawled onto the soft sheets that beckoned me like a friend.

And soon I was lost in a deep, dreamless, sleep.


"Faye." Manny's finger made contact with my arm that was throbbing with his previous fifteen pokes again, making me clench my jaw. "Faaayyeee."

"Stop that!" I snapped, lifting my head and sending him a deadly glare. "Can't you see I'm really not in the mood to put up with your shit right now?"

Manny didn't look offended in the least. "If you want to avoid me annoying you," he said smugly, "stop ignoring me, alright?" He smiled sweetly, patting at his brown hair.

My nostrils flared and I took a deep breath in attempt to keep myself from slamming his head into a table, which probably sounded really dramatic. "Oh my-" I rubbed my temples.

"Oh my what?" Manny asked, raising an eyebrow. "How about, oh my gosh, Manny is right?"

"No, more like, oh my gosh, I'm about to kill a gay dude," I retorted, glowering at him and curling my fists. "You're really testing my nerves right now."

Manny scoffed and popped the collar of his favorite jacket, rolling his brown eyes. "Oh please, you and I both know you don't have the lady nuts to do that. Right Luce?"

"Shut up, Manny."

"Got it." He winked at Lucy and then turned back to me. "See? Lucy may have lady nuts, but you most certainly do not." He lifted his chin cockily.

"Is that a challenge?" I fumed, pursing my lips.

"You see it as you will, I am simply stating the truth," he responded in amusement, leaning back in his seat and watching me with satisfaction. He seemed to think that I wouldn't have a comeback, and would give into him and allow him to win the argument. Hell no.

Manny gave me a smirk when I did not respond right away, kicking his feet up onto the table. I grunted in slight disgust and shoved his feet off the table. "Then I am simply stating the truth when I tell you that your ass will contain my shoe here shortly."

Lucy was watching us like she was watching a tennis match, slowly chewing her lunch and looking deeply interested. She swallowed, then slowly brought more food into her mouth without looking away from us and not saying a word.

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